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  1. BeWasted

    Just ANOTHER YT Thread - "shitpost" preferably

    What about this thread?
  2. BeWasted

    You can only speak(write) in gifs or images

    *facepalm* You don't have to click on them... Just write like so:
  3. BeWasted


    bye lost
  4. BeWasted

    You can only speak(write) in gifs or images

    Great... Another thread which Klovn will spam... *sighs intently*
  5. BeWasted

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  6. BeWasted


    Haze is a dog person, Nomatter is a pony person and Klovn is a cat person. Those positions are already taken Andreas, I do apologize. Either way, welcome the forum and the community (late as hell, amirite?) and stay for at least another year. Sincerely, -cHeT [BeWasted]
  7. BeWasted

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  8. BeWasted

    [Music] Post your favourite songs here
  9. BeWasted

    Map topic

    zm_roy_the_ship is already in the maplist. The map is not available to players to vote for because the map only supports 50 players, whereas we need 64 slots. This is the reason that this map hasn't been loaded up previously. Sincerely, -cHeT [BeWasted]
  10. BeWasted

    the official spam thread

    "selfies please" is very important and useful no doubt. :rolleyes:
  11. BeWasted

    the official spam thread

    I'm just trying to steal the title from months of your rule. :rolleyes:
  12. BeWasted

    Hello Everyone !!

    Blue... Poetic and overly social as usual.
  13. BeWasted


    Stupid shadow priests wrecking everything... As a rogue, shadow priests are my most detestable enemies. *spits on priests corpse*