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    What's wrong with my computer?

    I think this will be my new system: Intel Core i5 - 3470 (boxed) 170,79€ 8GB-Kit Corsair Vengeance Low Profile PC3-12800U CL9 39,88€ Cooltek K3 Evo 3.0 Midi Tower, ATX 37,47€ Powercolor PCS+ HD7870 Vortex II Edition, 2GB GDDR5 213€ Gigabyte H77-D3H, Intel H77, ATX 77,77 € HGST Travelstar Z7K500...
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    EH - 20 Slot Server

    I'd play there. I don't like p90. And shotgun is overpowered.
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    happy new year!

    Happy new year Rattenfänger :P
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Btw I bought GTA IV. Ill record it and upload it. I think it will have 0,5 FPS
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    What's wrong with my computer?

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    Unban Request

    Uhmm? Pontifex and Powha are never the same. I played with both at one server some time ago.
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    Unban Request

    Powha advertosed, not Crysis/Pontifex.
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    I hope so :P They just wanna have 20€ for building. Alternate wanted 100€. Changed configuration a little bit. (Same Processor, and gtx 660) Now it costs me 700€.
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Why :O
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Ok, I wanna buy a comouter now xD I chose this system: Intel Core i5 3570k Geforce GTX 660 ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP G.Skill PC-3-10667U CL9 (8GB) be quiet! pure power L7 (530 Watt) 326GB SATA Price: 734€ incl. GTA IV (No OS) Is it ok?
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    Why did I got Banned ? (Epilogue)

    It's a Makro or a Script. Look how space key is spammed. I'm sure its one of those AutoHotKey Scripts. So you can be proud, that the ban is just one day and not perm. Sorry for writing here :S
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Toooooo expensive. I just wanna play CS:S and GTA IV :P @Enissay Uhm? I dont have a monitor and my TV is too big (107cm)
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Yep i dont wanna have a computer. The Notebook is much cheaper than the other computers. I need a monitor, Windows 7 etc. So its: -200 for Monitor and Windows 7 So i have just 600 left :S
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Lol? I cant upgrade my Notebook, maybe more ram but this isnt important. I'll buy a new Notebook soon. I think i'll buy one from Look: Details: Intel Core i5-3210m 15,6 inch Full-HD Display 8gb Ram (DDR 3 - 1600...
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    PayPal ftw :P
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Ill test it too. Free or Premium Version?
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    @38: Yep im using one. I already used a fps config. It made My chat failing etc.
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    My settings: low low low ........ his settings: high high high high ....
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    What's wrong with my computer?

    Hey, Today i talked to another player. After some time, i asked him about his FPS. He had 90 while i hat 18 FPS. I asked him about his system. He's using a GT 525 and im using a GT 425 (Not much difference, i think) He's using an i3 with 3.2 gh and im using one with 2.4(M370) The i3 has a...
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    Beschwerde ๖Vaŋ Hellsiŋg

    Lass das mit dem Englisch lieber. :P Ich übersetze es lieber mal: English: Hey Guys, I want to complaint about the player Van Helsing. His Roofcamping on cbble (everytime) when no Admin is online. I made a picture of it, I uploaded ot. Look at the bottom of the thread. Also he's insulting very...