So basically you're reporting your 3 bans as a mistake after 2-3 months? And i see you got one ban for racism on kunta, that isn't really a warning it's a direct ban.
If you wouldn't be banned for racism you will most likely be banned for inappropriate language.
Clearly i've said the word once while on your chatlog bad words comes up every now and then if you look it through.
What i mean is that yes i've made ONE mistake while you got a few more.
2012-04-16 00:42:30 Geo: i said i had you nigga = I explained myself directly after i said it to the other guys who might have taken it offensive.
2012-04-16 00:35:39 Geo: i had u nigga = Yeah my bad really.
If he actually could read the whole chatlog on that page instead of ONLY looking for...
Players shouldn't have anything to do up in the tree (for example), there for it's a ban and a screenshot is enough.
A lift blocker could just have fell down from the top and landed on the head (i know i kinda much drawing it out now but i hope you got the point).
Everything can be taken in different ways but that kind of word shouldn't be on our servers!
The reason is simple, other players might take it offensive.
I'm not gonna take anyones part in this case but after looking in to your chat history you've said some racist stuff actually.
For example:
"2012-05-12 19:04:02 That nigga had to much hp."
"2012-05-11 10:55:04 and jtr that nigga."
Well, that's effort just to catch a cheater and i don't think it will be useful. And please edit your posts instead of posting new ones...
Thanks for the idea anyways, i'm not the one to make the final decision, i just gave my opinion so please wait for a headadmin/special admin to reply.
That wouldn't work for us admins lol, imagine a suspected cheater that we need to inspect, don't you think he will get scared and disconnect from the server as soon as he see's we're spectating him?
Pictures is poor evidence when it comes to blocking so i only banned him for camping on an illegal spot, and since it was his first ban i gave him an hour.
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