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    the official spam thread

    Who is aaaeer? I know him the first time I started playing zm and he was an good player?
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    Pls Bann Provakation and Insulting Player

    If you Want to make an Ban request make a New Thread with the regular form! Closed
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    Crack, Seyfuddin & Karmate

    Omg there it Starts again.. Are you kidding us? This is the third post from you two guys in less than one week... I don't know what problems you two have but I hope advaldo or any other headadmin can clear this topic now, because it starts to annoy me!
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    Why did I got Banned ? (Epilogue)

    We dont say that you used a script, you are using a MACRO, which means, you have somewhere on your mouse a button were you hold it pressing and you jump automatically, whicht is exactly LIKE a script, Check the demo which is attached!
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    Why did I got Banned ? (Epilogue)

    Hello Epilogue this is your ban: You got banned for using a Macro which is the same like a script but we give you the chance to remove it and play normal on our servers again! Btw what you mean ex guys abusing? there is only me and crack, and...
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    Abusing Adminrights

    ruffy, i live in hamburg, he lives somewhere in nordrhein westfalen i dont know him in reallife dont talk if you dont have any information, wait for HA's input !
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    Abusing Adminrights

    omg boray (ruffy) its enough with this kiddy shit ! Yesterday kalashnikowa and now you? lol, i am now 4 monts admin on this server, did anyone see that i am abusing? Advaldo, marb, niko pls check our logs what we are doing with our admin rights so these kiddys cant annoy anymore! And about...
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    Abusing Adminrights & causeless kicks/bans.

    Please show us your proofs with the insults, Thank you!
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    Abusing Adminrights & causeless kicks/bans.

    Hello Kalaschnikowa and King, thanks for coming to our EH Forum! yes its right i changed your names because i thought its clan faking, but I was wrong. I apologize for that. After that you changed your name to "benjamin 24 arbeitslos", you imply the player karmate which is an indirect insult and...
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    Unban request

    Hello Pontifex! You were banned by admin Malte for rejoining. Some rounds before he Banned you, I was on the server and you Rejoined while i was there, but i didnt ban you just kicked you (if you remember). After I leaved you rejoined again, and malte banned you. Your ban was 2hours but got...
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    Adverts modification due to end of the year

    There is no license for Pot o Gold on your Country.. -.-
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    Post your screens (scores) ZM

    NO it isn't he, its somebody else, and its not me either, you are knifing our Name Fakers !!!!!
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    verzieh dich aus meiner pinnwand

    verzieh dich aus meiner pinnwand
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    Witz :D

    Ahhhhhhh hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahah junge der war so unlustig und bescheuert das ich trotzdem lachen musste hahahahahahaha du bist so ein armseliges Kind, vor 2 Stunden hast du noch gebettelt unban zu bekommen jetzt änderst du deine Meinung hahahahahahahahahahja ich...
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    Unban Request

    MisterScheisse es reicht jetzt, irgendwann ist genug mit der kinderkacke! DU warst es der gesagt hat "Ich würde auch eure Füße Küssen", jetzt hat der server auf einmal einen schlechten ruf und EH ist scheisse und die admins sind auch scheisse? Dann hau ab und such dir einen besseren server und...
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    Unban Request ich würde dich für solche aussagen nicht entbannen HA entscheiden!
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    this application inspired me and changed my life! have never read somethink beautiful like that.. thank you lucke! next time you will have more luck!
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    Unban request

    I am also supporting advaldos Statement.