Search results

  1. cluth3r

    Count to 1.000

  2. cluth3r

    Count to 1.000

  3. cluth3r

    Happy birthday Sky

    Thank you all :)
  4. cluth3r

    Make your own banner for the forum

    One, four and six are the best. Like that smoke behind from the six one
  5. cluth3r


    Happy birthday :)
  6. cluth3r

    Count to 1.000

  7. cluth3r

    Count to 1500 using pictures!

  8. cluth3r

    Count to 1.000

  9. cluth3r

    Count to 1500 using pictures!

  10. cluth3r

    Count to 1500 using pictures!

  11. cluth3r

    Count to 1.000

  12. cluth3r

    Special prizes 4 THE admin event

    Winning very good. Thank you for this raffle
  13. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request: n-krd, MiGo$

    Funktioniert nicht ? Davon weiss ich nichts. Am besten machst du einen neuen Thered mit deiner Frage dann wird dir auch weiter geholfen ,am besten in englisch wenns geht das es jeder lesen kann
  14. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request: n-krd, MiGo$

    Kannst wieder rein
  15. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request: n-krd, MiGo$

    Sorry habe das übersehn das du schon gebannt wurdest von Para setze ihn wieder auf einen Tag
  16. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request: DeLi_MuRi_Ak47, Zombie_XD

    Thank you again ban added ;) E//Congratulations too admin now you can handle it by yourself
  17. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request "|B .A. T. M. A. N| =>"

    I can understand that is annoying if someone lag like this and ruin the game but i do not think that one should ban something like that. Can any time happen that anyone has internet problems.
  18. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request: n-krd, MiGo$

    Thanks ban added. Humans are not allowed on the roof only zombies can do this
  19. cluth3r

    Handled Ban Request: GavR, The Doctor'

    Thank you ban added
  20. cluth3r

    Count to 1.000
