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  1. In Yan

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: In Yan

    Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Ingame name Eerie Intentions SteamID [U:1:1055479977] Ban/Gag reason Admin insult Desired outcome Lift my punishment Statement of grounds At about 14:20 today on the map zm_rush_final I was gagged by admin Autsch due to a misunderstanding. The fact is...
  2. In Yan

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: In Yan

    Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Ingame name Eerie Intentions SteamID [U:1:1055479977] Ban/Gag reason Not present in SourceBans cause it's a spray ban Desired outcome Lift my punishment Statement of grounds I have my spray banned cause it's contains dark humour which has reference to...
  3. In Yan

    Thanks mate!

    Thanks mate!
  4. In Yan

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    I have already proposed to return back zm_eh_despair, but Lotus says it's has balance issues🤷‍♀️
  5. In Yan

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    Dude, you're wrong. zm_eh_despair was made by the creator of zm_cbble. You can open both maps and check for yourself. At the start, the console displays a message in the chat about who created them. You may be right about the balance. Perhaps in practice, some problems that were not obvious to...
  6. In Yan

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    I agree with your arguments. I believe that it is necessary to replace these maps with others, and not just delete them. For example, around 2020-2021, there was a great map zm_eh_despair that has a lot of open space for hunting, has a lot of well-balanced camping spots, made by the creator of...
  7. In Yan

    [test needed] NEW MAP ZM_ACESTMA_4ROOMS_EH

    I like the style and design of this map. It was a great idea to do something like that. However, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved. I don't understand why there are invisible walls in these two places. This room is completely empty, as if unfinished. When I first saw it, I...
  8. In Yan

    [test needed] NEW MAP ZM_ACESTMA_4ROOMS_EH

    I'll write later about my expressions about your map. I have some ideas and remarks for it.
  9. In Yan

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_eh_solo_crazy

    Ok, I exaggerated a bit. Not many people use this place, but it does happen from time to time. I did this before on the main account, and now, playing on another account, I do the same. And so does my acquaintance, who also used to play from my second account temporarily, because he also likes...
  10. In Yan

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_eh_solo_crazy

    This spot used mostly by players with shotgun, not a M249. It is a great place for 1 player. Of course, if the zombies do not start storming this point together, otherwise, then the player really has no chance💀
  11. In Yan

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_eh_solo_crazy

    In the old version, you couldn't stand, that's why you could defend yourself from zombies, because they slowly moved towards you in a crouch. And now on the contrary, they will easily get you🤓
  12. In Yan

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_eh_solo_crazy

    Nope?😬 Now any player can freely walk into this place at full height, whereas before you had to crouch and the passage was so narrow that the player could barely fit through, so now this place is useless, it is no longer possible to hold zombies there in the former way.
  13. In Yan

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_eh_solo_crazy

    Good job. I think this style is very good and much more atmospheric than the mottled and depressed color scheme of the standard version. If the standard version was replaced with this one, it would significantly refresh the gameplay. The only drawback in my opinion is the destruction of this...
  14. In Yan

    Add !nomlist

    Yes, here is the link the code related to nomlist is located starting from 133 and 783 lines in the directory sm-plugin-mapchooser-extended/addons/sourcemod/scripting /nominations_extended.sp. i consider it a beneficial...
  15. In Yan

    Add !nomlist

    Hi, add the !nomlist command to view the list of nominated maps. This will motivate players to stay on the server longer if they see that there is a chance that their favorite map may be selected in the next vote. Also change the !resetscore command to !rs. Not everyone has the opportunity to...
  16. In Yan

    event ideas

    Even if you put aside the fps problem, it is unlikely that there is already a ready-made script that will spawn props and that can be immediately integrated into the server, and it is unlikely that someone will create such a script for the sake of rare use. In addition, Elite Hunters are not...