Denied+ Abuse Report: Dhoudz


13 Feb 2023
Admin's Name Dhoudz

Time and date 12/02/2023 19:15 ish

Server Zombue Hunting V3

I downloaded a new G3SG1 skin which has 2 different animations, i tried one of them out but the texture was bugged so i left the server, changed the files to use the other animation and rejoined, upon joining the server the admin Dhoudz says:
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: Lunamy
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: Don't rejoin to avoid death and/or playing as zombie
DEAD Lunamy : yo i had a bugged skin i had to fix real quick, not rejoining to do anything shady
[SM] [Ξн] Dhoudz: froze Lunamy.
Lunamy : ?
Lunamy : Dhoudz?
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: out of curiousity, why this always happens being zombie?
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: why dont you ask for help if you got a skin problem?
Lunamy : i deleted it from my folder
Lunamy : and replaced it with the non bugged version
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: why dont you wait till you dead and type !specme
Lunamy : because i was already a zombie and not near anyone?
Lunamy : and the round was only 1min30sec left
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: so you avoided playing zombie?!?
Lunamy : no
Lunamy : i had a bugged G3 skin that had missing textures
Lunamy : can send you a screenshot if you don't believe it
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: and you could play 3:30 before you realised
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: dude im sick and tired of this excuses
Lunamy : ?? there is no excuse
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: take you punishment, dont do it again or get a ban
Lunamy : ??
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: and show some respect
Lunamy : i could say the same to you, i explained it to you and you treat me like this?
Lunamy : when i did nothing wrong
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: i gave you several oportunities you could have taken, but you chose to rejoin as zombie
Lunamy : i think you are talking to the wrong person -(i thought he was maybe confusing me with someone else? or maybe he is intoxicated or something)-
(Admin) [Ξн] Dhoudz: this discussion is over

I've never EVER left to avoid death or playing as a zombie. The only times i ever rejoin is to fix a skin since i use a lot of those and i cannot test the animations if i'm in my own Offline server but then i just spend the remaining of the round as spectator if i did join too early.
I even try to keep the server civil at night when there are no admins online by reminding the people breaking the rules of the rules and posting it on the forum if they continue afterwards.

this admin is extremely rude and just assuming that i'm breaking a rule and punishing me without even having ANY proof or even talking to me about it and then when i try to explain it to him he pulls rank and basically tells me i will get banned if i don't respect him.

Reporting an abuse is a serious matter. Do you hold all the proofs requested for an abuse request? Yes
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Within the last 90 days these are the times when he rejoined within 1 minute. So there might be more occasions where he rejoined after more than one minute (can provide more stats if needed).
I also stroke out irrelevant entries, so basically entries where he seem to have left after end of round/map before rejoining.
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No Abuse done here. Dhoudz punished you for Rejoining which was legit due the Logs.

Like he told you inside the Chatlog, inform our Admins about this Case they will allow or atleast notice this Case and wont punish you. If no Admins are around, we would be still able to check the Logs.
Other way, like Dhoudz told you to wait until the Round ends, joining the Spec Team to rejoin or getting yourself killed as Zombie. There are alot of legit ways to avoid such a case.

From Data's Logs i guess you have alot of troubles with your Skins. Maybe our Gameservers are the wrong place to test around with Skins?

Abuse Report denied

Happy Hunting.
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