Recent content by Autsch

  1. Autsch

    My fast made video.Elite HunterZ Geting stuck in weird spots +some fun.

    I don't know if it's fixed, but it doesn't matter, you can glitch everywhere on the map if you have the skill.
  2. Autsch

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: In Yan

    Hello, thank you for contacting me. Yes, there was probably a different view of things. The block was only temporary and lasted 30 minutes. So you were unblocked automatically. I hope you have a good time. Your Admin
  3. Autsch

    Bad boy

    Bad boy
  4. Autsch

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: DoctorSex

    We will get back to you. Regards from
  5. Autsch

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    @MONSTER³ They have to play exemplary for other players. Please no other players knife. Otherwise can end in banna. You are lucky that it did not fail, so no ban. Sorry @Zicke. Good Job Monster. GG
  6. Autsch

    hey guys

    hey guys
  7. Autsch

    [Recruitment] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

    Ingame name AuTsch³ Steam profile link SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:9971621 Age 37 - 38 Location Brunswick Germany English knowledge Intermediate Other languages German, Spanisch Previous bans for a long time, i was banned for teaming :D i...
  8. Autsch


  9. Autsch

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Creamy-L5mon

    Name Creamy-L5mon SteamID STEAM_0:1:801108305 Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date Sat. May. 11th, 2024 @ 20:50:00 Report Reason Cheating/Hacking Additional Information BH Hacker... :) Proof Demo
  10. Autsch

    Call admin when nobody is On

    true i see it^^
  11. Autsch

    Intresting youtube channels you find out intresting to watch and relax.

    Counter Strike good old time
  12. Autsch

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    Good! They practice, I think that's good. If they come, I'll show them how to do it right.😅😎