Recent content by Blue™

  1. Blue™

    !scream svetoi pro

    !scream svetoi pro
  2. Blue™

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: morez

    Hey morez, thanks for making an unban request, your spray is now unbanned. I know the rules about sprays in-game doesn't specifically mention gore sprays but it sort of falls into the no violence/disgusting sprays section, just FYI.
  3. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @Gucci - Declined @ღ Zicke ღ - Declined
  4. Blue™

    daankee alinator!

    daankee alinator!
  5. Blue™

    thank you esiii!🙏

    thank you esiii!🙏
  6. Blue™

    shuuuut! but ty <3

    shuuuut! but ty <3
  7. Blue™

    danke! <3

    danke! <3
  8. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @gabriel_plays_1991 - Declined
  9. Blue™

    cs:s update for

    Punishment for us? no, it punished every single community out there that had any plugins or sourcemod installed. But good on you to make what looks like a ragebait post, but in the rare chance that you're actually serious, let me address your concerns real quick, atleast those that make sense...
  10. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @Kateshi. - Declined @LEGIJA - Declined @yassine - Declined
  11. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @majestic. - Accepted
  12. Blue™

    how does it feel being closer to the ground than my shoes, schliser?

    how does it feel being closer to the ground than my shoes, schliser?
  13. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @BERN_CITY - Declined
  14. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @Anderson - Declined
  15. Blue™

    [Results] Elite-HunterZ Member Recruitment

    @Anderson - Declined