hello i dint know were to put this so i did it here i just wanted to ask if maybe there could be an monthly switch between maps or something.
it would be nice to see other maps because there is too many the same map rotation and its always the same would be nice to have some different maps like...
Ohhhh B.E.Autifullll LOVE IT what a legendary moves this man ..... always good to have you next to me hunting with that skill :) i know i can just look behind with knowing you got front xD PEACE BRO
always nice to watch your bro in a reload so you can step in dump a mag then you reload and he can shoot xD Kinda like unlimited ammo if your with 3 person 2 can shoot 1 backup same with 4 xD
Nicly written bro btw @Sauce good for other people :) very niceeee
i personally think that there should be a variation of maps each month or something would be nice, its not that i dont like it now it is i love the server and community but it is just a suggestion,
because it is always the same the 1 that votes 1st gets it most of the time+ mostly that is 4way...
Ingame name Gethigh
SteamID 76561198121398146
Age 27
ive been here now some time on this server, and i really love it i love the teamwork and the hunting for zombies or humans. i would love to join and be a part of the team and support this community. i taught why not join...
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