Recent content by Inspra

  1. Inspra

    How did you come up with your name?

    Been using this nickname since around 2017, At first it was "ImDaInspire", then it turned into "Inspire", but one day i saw a guy who's name ended with "ra", i don't know why i liked it so much but at that point i renamed myself to "Inspra" and i've been sticking with it ever since mainly...
  2. Inspra

    [Recruitment] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

    Ingame name Inspra Steam profile link SteamID STEAM_0:1:226359027 Age 20 Location Estonia English knowledge Advanced Other languages I am fluent in Estonian. I can partially understand Finnish, and a tiny bit of Russian and German...
  3. Inspra

    [Recruitment] Elite Hunterz

    Ingame name Inspra SteamID Inspra Age 18 Motivation Well, my motivation to becoming part of EH are the members, the clan is professionally organized, has stability within the clan and in-game, the members are motivated and and willing to help anyone. If were gonna talk about the server...