Recent content by Ippon Redux

  1. I

    [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Ippon Redux

    I just say, abusing his Power is not ok. I dont like Power abusers. Have a nice day too
  2. I

    [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Ippon Redux

    Im a bit disappointed of your Admin capabilities of been objective. I see in this punishment a personal vendetta of you with believing false facts. Giving me more then double the time of ban then others says it all. Ban will stay! yeyeyeye
  3. I

    [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Ippon Redux

    Ah and you mentioned my ban history. Look i play on this Server very long Time so 7-8 bans in a Timeperiod o maybe 7-10 Years arent that much bans. Sure every ban i a ban too much but in this long timeperiod? cmon.. Amybe you can look it up with my id how long im playing on this Server
  4. I

    [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Ippon Redux

    Hi Soup and thx for your reply. Iam sure you saw me once walking around with a knife and frozing me and said stop doing this? it was not my intention to do a teamkill or what ever. i sometimes knife zombies yes but not to teamkill, just for fun and most time zombies get me. So im 100% sure i...
  5. I

    [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Ippon Redux

    Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Ingame name CoExistence SteamID Ban/Gag reason Teaming Desired outcome Reduce the length of my punishment Statement of grounds Hi again! As i wrote before. Yes im guilty i dont deny it i broke...
  6. I

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: John Wick

    Hey Soup. 8 days ban is a bit hard dont you think? :0 It was late night. maybe 13-15 players online. 2 zm appear vs Humans. this small rulebreaking is well known at late Time....and was always fun for most players. I request a lower Ban time 8hr ban if possible. this would be fair. rest of...
  7. I

    Suggestion for Server Lags, cause of stuckness!

    I just write what i see. If lags starting, Admins posting in Chat to write !zstuck. And most Time it works. Hope, Admins see this to replay.
  8. I

    Suggestion for Server Lags, cause of stuckness!

    I mean, you can ask the Admins(Easy,Jonas,Paw etc.) playing on the Zombie Servers. They can proof it. Lag is coming, if someone get stuck. When lag starts, Admins posting to write !zstuck to get rid of lag....
  9. I

    Suggestion for Server Lags, cause of stuckness!

    Its no solution in a long run. but for now its maybe a good choice to stop the lags immediatly. I prefer no lags with !zstuck all command then lags and affecting negative Gameplay
  10. I

    Suggestion for Server Lags, cause of stuckness!

    We all know, The EH Server is getting lot of lags, if someone got stuck. Solution is !zstuck, we all know. But sometimes, not everybody knows or is too lazy to write or whatever. I played few Weeks ago while i was 3 Days banned (lol) a russian Zombie Server, similar to yours. And i never saw...
  11. I

    Suggestion new Zombie Maps/Mods