Recent content by Janno Norbaten

  1. Janno Norbaten

    In-game voice chat too quiet

    plz fix
  2. Janno Norbaten

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    maybe its time to add zm_aztec_v1 to normal Nomination list , after all the tests , i would welcome that 😊
  3. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing ]zm_8chambers_reloaded_v1

    i hope it will uploaded soon as special ,the old 8_chambers is terrible 😬
  4. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing ]zm_8chambers_reloaded_v1

    the last one is a funny effect 😁 when you put playerclip on glas , the engine can decide if you have to slip or move normal (but not my intention 😬 )
  5. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing ]zm_8chambers_reloaded_v1

    thanks 4 testing your points are know fixed fixed also some more spots .
  6. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing ]zm_8chambers_reloaded_v1

    no more internet volumen,... end of month.o_O will upload it next time , when i get neighbors wifi 👌
  7. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing ]zm_8chambers_reloaded_v1

    hi , here is a new 8chambers, its more hunter friendly and has a new , more bright, design (portal design). - you can now check through the glasswalls if zombies there and shot them through. - enterences are also wider ( no doors anymore ) - some spots were changed only a few, to balance the...
  8. Janno Norbaten

    cooler Scheiß :D

    cooler Scheiß :D
  9. Janno Norbaten

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    can we add zm_GD_headquarter_v5 into the normal map list its a good map for hunting and also zm_undergrounds_eh_v3 ?
  10. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_royalcourt_eh_v1

    We tested this map last time on V3 and then it vanished , thats why i post this question , i thought this "test needed" was Obsolet. but it was my fault it must be a older Version of royalcourt that we had played and then vanished ,because i cant find zm_eh_royalcourt_rework in my downloaded...
  11. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_royalcourt_eh_v1

    admins cant find this map in the Special map list ? we cant test it
  12. Janno Norbaten

    [test needed] zm_eh_voshod_v1

    map is good , but plz make it much more brighter !!! maybe add down going sun with orange enviromentlight , or a moon and blue enviroment light or both together
  13. Janno Norbaten

    New hunting map zm_ghost_ship_beta

    Hi , here is a new Version of zm_ghostship : - the map uses now 3 times more space on the ship than before (+ engine Room , +3 Storage Roomes, + acces to the top of the Containers). - _nl1 = compiled without lights version , because people like bright maps where you can identify zombies...
  14. Janno Norbaten

    zm_winterfun_v1 for c

    Improvement suggestion for the design has been implemented