Recent content by Jonas | Norway

  1. Jonas | Norway

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: SLAVA

    Hello, your gag has expired, see info here
  2. Jonas | Norway

    Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Guti82 HUN_Uk

    Hey Gucci, thanks for the report but we only accept .dem files as valid proof.
  3. Jonas | Norway

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: mattmako

    Hey and thanks for you demo! Player has been banned, se info here Sincerely Jonas
  4. Jonas | Norway

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: JESUSEK-SAVE-YOU

    Hello, thanks for your report, player has been banned, see info here. Sincerely Jonas
  5. Jonas | Norway

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: chibre

    Hello Chibre, considering your last ban was a long time ago and we want to appreciate our active players, i'll reduce it to 1 week, your new ban expires 2024-11-24 14:47:38, see more info here Type !rules and follow them, time will increasy for repetive rulebreaking I hope you will be happy...
  6. Jonas | Norway

    Thank you! :D

    Thank you! :D
  7. Jonas | Norway

    Thank you! :D🥰

    Thank you! :D🥰
  8. Jonas | Norway

    Thank you! :D

    Thank you! :D
  9. Jonas | Norway

    Thank you! :D

    Thank you! :D
  10. Jonas | Norway

    Denied+ Abuse Report: jonas

    Since I dont know french, i couldnt know he was swearing/insulting you, but he stopped after my warning about keeping eng/german, but you kept going, thats why I gagged you. I would do the same to him if he did too. But I can see your point of view since you understood what was beeing said. I'd...
  11. Jonas | Norway

    I sent you a pm

    I sent you a pm
  12. Jonas | Norway

    Invalid Abuse Report: Norway

    Hello, please type in english.. ( one of the rules is english or german) Throwing a nade to destroy others barricade is not allowed, thats the reason why i froze you. A burn / freeze / kick is a warning, I suggest you type !rules nextime your ingame and read them. Sincerely Jonas
  13. Jonas | Norway

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: SLAVA

    Hey, i'm the one who gagged you, it was for insulting. I suggest yoo treat other people with respect nextime, gag stays. See your gag here Sincerely Jonas
  14. Jonas | Norway

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Cocaine

    Hey and thanks for your report, i belive only .dem files is accecpted, but I joined a few minutes later and also saw him breaking the rules. Player has been banned; Cocaine Sincerely Jonas