Recent content by Soup^

  1. Soup^

    Post your screens (scores) ZM

    I see guti with 72 deaths,I sure know what happened to that poor soul xd
  2. Soup^

    Main issue on atix_panic

    In my honest opinion just....fall back early? It's the most V3 thing that happens in your demo in both time frames mentioned. Players fall back as soon as the doors open,you stay behind to cover them and when you eventually fall back,surprise surprise,your teammates are already at the chopper...
  3. Soup^


    Bumping this thread: 1) This is an extremely overpowered crouch spot. Reasons why such spots should be avoided have previously been explained.. 2) There needs to be a prop blocker for this spot,otherwise this happens when you move the props from inside the van. Either have the prop blocker,or...
  4. Soup^

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    Could the elevator button issue be possibly coming from a specific server setting? I launched fix8 version of 4way on a local server and shot the spawn elevator button with every single weapon,and it never activated to go down.
  5. Soup^

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Alex2810

    It's nothing personal,but I would rather trust what the plugins say than take your word for it. However,I have decided to give you the benefit of the doubt in this rare occasion and unban you. Whatever it is you were using,drop it,uninstall it,do get rid of it in any way possible. You are...
  6. Soup^

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Alex2810

    Just because you didn't end up close to top 3,that doesn't mean you don't use any form of assistance.Your justification is completely irrelevant. My demo shows you getting flagged for Aimbot. ( You were also flagged earlier for it,hence why I started spectating you in the first place,otherwise...
  7. Soup^

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Alex2810

    Hi again,I would very much like to give you a second chance but check this out: You seem to be going back on your own statement of grounds,first admitting to only just using an autoclicker(which given...
  8. Soup^

    EliteHunterZ Videos

  9. Soup^

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_eh_solo_crazy

    This pillar is not solid,you can straight up walk through it:
  10. Soup^

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: FattyBagg

    Hi and welcome to the forum. I have unbanned your spray and you are now free to use it again in the server. Please know that if your new spray doesn't follow the guidelines,it will be banned yet again.
  11. Soup^

    EliteHunterZ Videos

    Might have reused 1 or 2 clips (apologies in advance) but here it is.Enjoy <3
  12. Soup^


    Map seems like a remake of zm_lila_panic (spots seemed familiar as soon as I spawned in) and well you know me,I like lila panic a lot,mostly due to nostalgia. All 3 ladders to get to the roof on the main building outside don't seem to be working correctly. There is a small delay in climbing...
  13. Soup^


    Hmm,map is basically zm_cbble but with an extra underground area with cades and as your previous one,you can also fall endlessly and be teleported back up,which is not a balanced feature in my honest opinion,but not necessarily a bad one. Nothing wrong with the map,it just seems like yet another...
  14. Soup^

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: HEYS

    Hey mate,welcome to the forum. I have now unbanned your spray and you are free to use it again in the server. Please read the !rules in-game on what spraylogos are allowed or not,otherwise it might be banned again in the future.