Recent content by SOUR

  1. SOUR

    Thanks! :D

    Thanks! :D
  2. SOUR

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    Here we go! * Fixed Particle for the weapons (took ages to fix had to download tf2 and Extract game files and vpks to fix this) Custom radar Fixed button again, and visual bug should be gone Fixed a missing texture Fixed a missing material type Fixed missing ladder material
  3. SOUR

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    I see, What do you guys think about this? top part cant see through but below the zombies can see the cts camping. also as you see it should be impossible to shoot that button since it has block bullets material around it xD i also moved it back to the original spot...
  4. SOUR

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    The lightning was rewamped to look like the original versions, like the small rooms where you can close the doors were very dark back in the day so zombies could hide in there, Yep forgot that ladder lol! I can put back the lightning but it looks shittier Are we talking about this button? :)
  5. SOUR


    We are aware of this issue and has been in the map for 10+ years, how ever to fix this problem you have to redo that whole tunnel and i aint got time for that, i tried once and it didnt end well. I do have a fix for other things like the old radar, elevator fix etc here...
  6. SOUR

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    The reason why you have leaks when you dont have skybox underneath is because you have props etc sticking outside like this pic. And also you cannot use displacements as a "sealer" only nodraw. to fix this use nodraw then put the displacement ontop of the nodraw, as you can see when i remove the...
  7. SOUR

    Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Gamer CSS

    by demo i mean a demo from the ingame console /record demo bla bla, we dont allow demos from like shadowplay or something like this because we dont know what can be inside those files im afraid.
  8. SOUR

    Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Gamer CSS

    Sorry we cannot gag someone with no demo proof, because we can't know if that player is fake nicking someone. you need a demo showing the steam id aswell.
  9. SOUR

    Abuse Report:

    Falo um pouco de português mas só permitimos inglês neste fórum. você precisará obter o ID Steam do jogador que está denunciando e enviar uma demonstração da instância em que o jogador quebrou as regras. também não crie mais de 1 tópico este é o subfórum errado use o outro tópico que você criou
  10. SOUR

    Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Gamer CSS

    Please upload the demo as there is no proof now. and who are you reporting? there is no steam id or name.
  11. SOUR

    Abuse Report:

    Abuse reports are made for admin abuse, not reporting a player. please do not create more then 1 thread.
  12. SOUR

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    Yeah its been there since 10+ years haha
  13. SOUR

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    Will take a look abit later, not really sure why the particles on the tmp does not work..its a ralle particle so... i think ive fixed the visual bug in elevator. the little thing you get stuck on in the tunnel @Soup^ is not fixable, or its VERY annoying to fix ive tried before and i would need...
  14. SOUR

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    Well it can happend, but very rarely as you have to either jump or wait until the elevator goes up and standing in the door way to get teleported :)