Recent content by zm_moonlight

  1. zm_moonlight

    Handled Ban Request: ЯсноваВЕРНУЛСЯ & zm_moonlight

    Thanks for having faith. I will do my best to resist all urges to troll. Now what program to do you use to watch demos? I can't get it to play on anything
  2. zm_moonlight

    Invalid Ban Request: LekaAlex

    If you try to cade that spot on crowded server 99% chance it will be shot/naded down either by accident or on purpose. That spot is especially hard for trolls to resist shooting *edit* Just read "Who is allowed to write in Ban/Unban Requests" so apparently im not supposed to post in this...
  3. zm_moonlight

    too ez *sigh*

    too ez *sigh*