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  1. SpeedoX

    Invalid speedox abuse

    Hello avatar7228 aka. CEREAL KILLER o_O I froze you because you are irritating both normal players and admins (me) both in game and in chat and you should learn a lesson. You should stop accusing people for rulebreaking when they aren't. You are clearly just provoking and trolling around which...
  2. SpeedoX

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    I mean zm_eh_huntarena_v1. More balanced version
  3. SpeedoX

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    Consider adding zm_eh_huntarena to the nomination list. We have tried it on V1 a couple of times and most of the players loves it :-)
  4. SpeedoX

    Happy Birthday NoMatt3r

    Happy birthday !!
  5. SpeedoX

    Happy birthday SpeedoX

    Thanks dudes ;)
  6. SpeedoX

    Invalid Paw Abuse

    I can't cooperate with you when you are changing the true story. I know that you know the rules, but you clearly don't respect them. Here are some examples of stuff you have said the last couple of days: 2017-12-21 22:23:31 really dumb admin. 2017-12-21 17:02:42 its amazing how retarded 99% of...
  7. SpeedoX

    Invalid Paw Abuse

    So here we go again - i did not call you a noob, but i said you should stop playing pro when you are not pro. I don't find it provoking and it wasn't meant to provoke you at all. First of all i said "Nice Mudkip". You responded "NICE CIOVER SPEEDOX.". I then told u "Cover? why play pro when you...
  8. SpeedoX

    Invalid Paw Abuse

    Wow, all these lies. Haven't you learned a lesson? First of all i didn't say anything like "If you are a noob then don't come down here". I have never called you a noob actually, so you can just pack that away. By the way it is not okay to provocate on our servers which you for sure knows, and...
  9. SpeedoX

    Handled Unban Request: Hammaplayz

    Hello Hammaplayz First i would like to mention that your account is your own responsibility. I have told you/your brother once or twice before to change your name and stop acting like an admin. You told me that you wouldn't do it again, but everytime there are no admins on the server you seem...
  10. SpeedoX

    Handled Ban Request: TroLL Pumpkiin ฿ Cashing Out ฿

    Thanks, the player has been banned.
  11. SpeedoX

    Handled Ban Request: starz

    Thanks, the player has been banned.
  12. SpeedoX

    Handled Ban Request: oneyezero

    Thanks, the player has been banned.
  13. SpeedoX

    Handled Ban Request: BRO

    Thanks. The player has been banned:
  14. SpeedoX

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    What is the difference between zm_cbble_eh (map on v3) and zm_cbble_eh_v7 (map on v1)? That zm_cbble_eh from V3 looking bloody good with that landscape outside!! I can't see the major differences. If im right it can be on V1 instead of the v7 map. that background is doing a lot!
  15. SpeedoX

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  16. SpeedoX

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  17. SpeedoX

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  18. SpeedoX

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  19. SpeedoX

    [Game] Carry on a sentence
