Search results

  1. 1nfomercial

    Unban Request: colt555

    i'm glad, you guys handled it. CASE CLOSED
  2. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Kreamate & realtiy

    thanks, klovn :) CASE CLOSED
  3. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Kreamate & realtiy

    Name: Kreamate & realtiy SteamID: Steam_0:1:25975645 & idk Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 1.10 pm - 06/19/15 Reason: Teamkilling Additional Information: Proof: Demo
  4. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Havoc

    thanks, klovn CASE CLOSED
  5. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Havoc

    Name: Havoc SteamID: Steam_0;0:47336712 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 10.00 am - 06/19/2015 Reason: Insulting/Swearing, Blocking Additional Information: in demo he blocks in screenshot he admits closing doors and swears. Proof: Demo idk how to upload screenshots :D
  6. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: ™GeRa

    thx ceddy67. i also saw him. but i was too slow to record. thank you for that.
  7. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Dexel

    sorry, i meant STEAM_0:1:15779645 i dont know, if that will change something.
  8. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Dexel

    Name: Dexel SteamID: 0:1:15669645 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: around 6.00 pm on April 15th Reason: Insulting/Swearing, Blocking Additional Information: also check chatlog for swearing please Proof: Demo hmm can't find demo anymore in files. probably did sth. wrong...
  9. 1nfomercial

    Unban Request: zm_youssef_the_terminator

    youssef. was geht bei dir. lass ma den scheiss. echte liebe nur dem BVB. wir dortmunder halten zusammen. aber kann ja mal jedem passieren. einfach fuer paar euro neuen account kaufen und gut ist. freu mich schon, dich mal wiederzusehen.
  10. 1nfomercial

    Unban Request: zm_youssef_the_terminator

    youssef. was geht bei dir. lass ma den scheiss. echte liebe nur dem BVB. wir dortmunder halten zusammen. aber kann ja mal jedem passieren. einfach fuer paar euro neuen account kaufen und gut ist. freu mich schon, dich mal wiederzusehen.
  11. 1nfomercial

    event ideas

    there should be a certain time of a week, for example every monday afternoon, where just special maps are played. idk if this idea has been shared earlier, but i think, it's a good idea. then people would stop annoying admin's by asking for special maps all the time. i'm sure, admin's know...
  12. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: misleading titties

    thanks for taking a look at it. i appreciate it :) CASE CLOSED (always wanted to write that)
  13. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Luckystrike, i2.M

    thanks for taking a look at it. i appreciate it. CASE CLOSED
  14. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Luckystrike, i2.M

    Name: Luckystrike, i2.M SteamID: Steam_0:0:1876061, Steam_0:0:51948160 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 12:30 pm, 03/29/2015 Reason: Teaming Additional Information: i2.M was not stuck since it's not possible to stuck there. Proof: Demo
  15. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: misleading titties

    Name: misleading titties SteamID: Steam_0:0:30037757 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: just a few minutes ago Reason: Blocking Additional Information: pretended to be AFK. but as soon as round was over, he was back into the game. AFK faker then he tells me to be quiet...
  16. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Corsair

    hello ambitious admins, thank you for taking a look at my video. i reviewed it myself and i'm surprised that the spray is not shown in the video. that's a bummer. schobi must be right then, when he mentions the "synchronization of the server and the clients". next time, i'll make a screenshot...
  17. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Corsair

    Name: Corsair SteamID: Steam_0:0:611950 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 8:32 pm and 03/01/2015 Reason: Bad Spraylogo Additional Information: spray is gif: woman gives bj Proof: Demo
  18. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: Steroidking

    Name: Steroidking SteamID: Steam_0:0:13405939 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 1.58 pm and 02/26/2015 Reason: Blocking Additional Information: Proof: Demo
  19. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: mike and SG1

    what's your in-game name?
  20. 1nfomercial

    Ban Request: mike and SG1

    Name: mike and SG1 SteamID: Steam_0:0:6151980 and Steam_0:0:8511970 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 4:20 pm and 02/24/2015 Reason: Barricade destroying Additional Information: Proof: Demo