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  1. D

    Welcome, Gower!

    Welcome, Gower!
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    [Music] Post your favourite songs here

    Gets yae pumped up for a half-shitey friday night out.
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    Suggestion: Zombie VIP Skin

    I do like the idea of a VIP zombie skin but people here are VERY fond of the fatty skin and i can't blame them. He is iconic.
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    Hello everyone! Love to meet all of you!!

    Hi and welcome. Yeah Gofree is awesome, i need to get back on there some time.
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    Handled Unban Request: Dom Montana

    Hi Dom, i can't unban you as you were breaking the rules. Since your last ban was some time ago i have reduced it to a week as 2 weeks was a bit harsh. Best thing to do is to play by the rules in future, attack humans as zombie and vice-versa...
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    Handled Ban Request: ASLKing | Foxtrot

    Thanks for the report, this was handled in-game though. Spray isn't against the server rules.
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    Old granny :p

    Old granny :p
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    Handled Gag Request: 1nfomercial *the original*

    I have seen you in-game a decent amount and checked your chat log. While there isn't really any individual statements from you (bar one or two) that could warrant a gag, your overall behaviour is provoking people due to how frequent it is. You have to understand that while it might seem a joke...
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    Handled Ban Request: Libooo47

    Thanks for the report Dataworm. I can't ban them as the map was fixed to allow easier access for zombies, the spot is allowed for CT to camp.
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    Handled Ban Request: I like the way you die boy

    Thanks for the report. Watched the demos and he has received a ban, also gave FireFox a ban for rejoining to avoid death:
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    Handled Ban Request: Edge

    Thanks for the report, player is blocking and i have warned them before about blocking/teaming so they are a bit of a troublemaker. You can see the ban here: For future reference, after recording demo type...
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    Handled Ban Request: Tiger 90's & ᛗᕔᖾ᱗ᕔ & Полетели

    You are correct, i have extended it. For some reason searches aren't bringing up any of his previous bans for me, i have no idea why. Sorted, spicier admin showed me why :)
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    Handled Gag Request: NZXT

    Thanks for the report, for future gag requests it's best to put a screenshot of the in-game chat. He has received a gag for spam and breaking the language rule:™&advType=name
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    Handled Ban Request: Tiger 90's & ᛗᕔᖾ᱗ᕔ & Полетели

    Thanks for the report, their party is over:
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    Handled Ban Request: Red Poni & AP

    I think you forgot something, Dataworm :)
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    Handled Ban Request: xxxxxxxZKYLORDxxxxxxx

    Watched all the demos and what he is doing is incredibly stupid (running around slicing zombies head on) but he isn't teaming as he is attacking them, and he isn't doing it to compromise his teammates like on the edge of a box, it's just blatantly out in the open. The first demo shows the zombie...
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    Handled Ban Request: Error 404 & Dom Montana

    Thanks for the report, definitely both teaming. Sometimes admin might be alt tabbed and dealing with something else, it's hard to always be there. Both have received a ban: Dom Montana Error 404...
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    Handled Ban Request: Hani

    Thanks for the report. That map is a haven for boosters and i always try watch those few spots, sometimes manage to stop a couple but not always possible. You can see his ban here:
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    Handled Ban Request: Musa

    Nothing to see here
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    Handled Ban Request: Samurai & 2nd player

    Just pressing M and choosing spectate fixes your view being teleported.