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  1. Zoran

    [IMPORTANT] V1 is dying, help us!

    zm_neko_athletic_park_v3 for v1! Do it!
  2. Zoran

    Go-Free - Post your runs!

    Use low dpi and sensitivity(I had 400dpi and 1.2sens when surfing). Then get a huge ass mousepad and use your whole arm instead of your wrist to perform the movements. Edit: for spins, etc. you can use turn binds: bind button +left or +right
  3. Zoran


  4. Zoran

    Do you guys think this is speedhacking?

    It's the scout and maybe the way he moves. "There are many ways to move faster that other players in Counter Strike. The easiest is to use "fast" weapons such as Steyr Scout, with it you will run with speed of 260 units/second. The second fastest weapon(s) is(are) knife, pistols(all of them)...
  5. Zoran

    Handled Ban Request: zoran

    Thank you
  6. Zoran

    Handled Ban Request: zoran

    Can you post it when it's uploaded?
  7. Zoran

    Handled Ban Request: zoran

    Hi there K4marad, could you please upload the additional recordings that you mentioned above? I would really like to watch them aswell.
  8. Zoran

    [ZombieHunting V1] Respawn discussion thread

    Hi, have been playing on EH for a little while and just wanted to share an idea which could lead to a better gaming experience for the players. To be honest, if I were you, I would just remove respawn completely, but I understand that you care about high numbers. How about we just set the...
  9. Zoran

    [Respawn Zombiemod V1!]

    Well, the right people will die and think about why they died. The other clowns who just let themselves die as zombies just because they know they will respawn can leave. But as we all know, population sadly counts more than the right people playing.