Search results

  1. Schou

    Unban request.

    Please do not post in others unban requests. Follow the unban formula and make a new thread if you wish to be unbanned.
  2. Schou

    the official spam thread

    What concert? :D
  3. Schou

    the official spam thread

  4. Schou

    the official spam thread

    Lool :lol:
  5. Schou


    Bump :roll:
  6. Schou


    We all love you!!! <3 (I believe, well I do love you :D )) btw, i'm a little drunk :shock:
  7. Schou

    SaVa - Aimbot

    Perm ban!
  8. Schou

    BAAAAAM - Aimbot

    Perm ban!
  9. Schou

    Tree camper!

    Banned the player, caught him serveral times today - And he kept treecamping . Banned for a day
  10. Schou

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANIAC !!!!eleventhousand111

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D Here, i baked you a cake, enjoy it! :D
  11. Schou

    >>>New Maps Suggestion

    +1 :D
  12. Schou

    the official spam thread

    Ohai !
  13. Schou

    Again... blocker on 4way on top

    Sorry, it was just facts
  14. Schou

    Again... blocker on 4way on top

    I tried this several times too, he's blocking the ladders very often. I agree, he should be punished.
  15. Schou


    The devil! :twisted: :twisted:
  16. Schou

    Ban a player...

    Is'nt it a bit rough to ban a player, because he called you this one time? or is it just me. - I thought he might start to get a warning?
  17. Schou

    HAPPY B-DAY YoungBlood

    That's not true at all :D
  18. Schou

    HAPPY B-DAY YoungBlood

    Nah, but I'd just like to congratulate him anyway :D
  19. Schou

    New TeamSpeak server!

    Nice, i'll go and try the new server later today ;)