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  1. Blue™

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    I dont sociate with no believers, me and my laywer is leaving. Lets go sumned
  2. Blue™

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    yeah the picture where he threw a stool is more believable! Although senpai is disappointed in you sumned
  3. Blue™

    the official spam thread

    You just did my guy
  4. Blue™

    the official spam thread

    weak spam guys i need MORE
  5. Blue™


  6. Blue™

    which world do you draw mr guy?

    which world do you draw mr guy?
  7. Blue™

    the official spam thread

    hello all go spam
  8. Blue™

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  9. Blue™

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    LMAO my biggest fear was always getting a stool thrown at me...
  10. Blue™

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    I see sumned is doin some more photoshopping, bad sumned bad sumned!
  11. Blue™

    I bet he won't see it!

    I bet he won't see it!
  12. Blue™

    Rates recommandation or imposing

    I've never played around or changed my rates, I don't frankly care that much about it, Yeah It's huge when I went from playing with 50+ ping which is my current connection ping and playing with 15 ping. It just feels so much smoother but, we allow all kind of players to connect to our servers...
  13. Blue™

    @Sumned Obey master

    @Sumned Obey master
  14. Blue™

    Re-name the person above you

  15. Blue™


    so its EHs queen birthday today You all better say congrats or im single handly going on a dedicated hunt to bring everyone down. 1 MORE YEAR FOR SYSTEMBOLAGET happy birthday heart I hope my socks I bought for you will fit. XOXO Much love and lets have some midnight cake <3
  16. Blue™

    EliteHunterZ Videos

    SOUR made me wanna go through some old clips and put together some random shizzle
  17. Blue™

    Happy Birthday Ræven!

    h a p p y b i r t h d a y !
  18. Blue™

    Hi all guys i am new at forum and i wanna be good!

    Go away sour he said he wants to be good, you have no place here! (^ ‿ ^✿)