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  1. V

    High Ping Problem!

    My bad, should've said I couldn't load any EH server I was ON during those lagg spikes, not that I couldn't load any ^^. I assumed it was all EH servers by looking how there wasn't v1, v2, v3 and v5 in my favorite list upon refreshing. About the bad routing, makes sense to me as it does not...
  2. V

    High Ping Problem!

    wouldn't bad routing result in 'loss'? I looked at my net_graph yesterday and I didn't get any loss. Well I wasn't lagging yesterday so my input isn't really valid, but in the past days I was getting lagg spikes reaching 200ms and sometimes even more.. Makes sense to say it was my ISP as I...
  3. V

    Harlem shake

    harlem shake is soo random :S anyway these are students that go to a school in Vienna (not the one I go to :P) that performed the dance Harlem Shake Highschool Cafeteria P.S: how do i get it to appear in proper format??
  4. V

    Cool Pic's/gif's! Post'em here!

    kinda like afk fakers ^^
  5. V

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    Haha I have never been knifed in my life !! :) except from youngbuck, anorm, avoid, sour, sixau, thirty and a lot more...I know im nub :) want me to show you my knife kill of you ? xD
  6. V

    the official spam thread

    and that for good ^^
  7. V

    the official spam thread

    They still play that song on the radio in Austria -.-
  8. V

    [Application] Epilogue

    Good luck epilogue :)
  9. V

    Cool Pic's/gif's! Post'em here!

    funny gifs you all got there ^^ my favorite was the 90 degrees one :D
  10. V

    What you come across when you are using the World Wide Web ( Internet )

    The same thing happened in Pakistan ever since that video came out (the government blocked it, idk how tho), only thank god for IP hiding/changing programs e.g: HotSpot Shield ^^
  11. V

    What you come across when you are using the World Wide Web ( Internet )

    I googled quite a few of them^^ Btw it'd be quite ironic if this thread gets famous and the top most googled thing for 2013 would be 'top most googled thing'
  12. V

    Gotya's favorite song of the day

    1) meh 2) old but good :) 3) not sure 4) hey ya !! 5) mehh 6) dunno // I'm sure phantyy would know this: Rameses B Ft. Veela - Drift Away
  13. V

    Happy Birthday Kobi

    happy birthday kobold :)
  14. V

    Happy Birthday Tech-Dude!!

    Happy birthday advaldo and remember: +attack binds are low ! :D
  15. V


    way to go off topic... anyway sillyboy I hope someone tests it to tell you what they think about it, I can't atm.
  16. V

    Cool Pic's/gif's! Post'em here!

    Rofl the dancing kid :D
  17. V

    Gotya's favorite song of the day

    Woah too many songs to listen to *_* well, here I'll start with a rather smooth song: Von D Ft. Phephe - Show Me sorry if this song is by any chance already posted ^^
  18. V


    I didn't know you made mars_wasteland, I have to say I really enjoyed hunting in that map, it has got different ways to get to the differnt spawns, kinda like 4way or office outbreak (which is my favourite :)) Good luck with this one, hoping it will get tested soon.
  19. V


    I didn't know there was an opera mod in css...
  20. V

    Cool Pic's/gif's! Post'em here!

    lol NoMatt3r funny gifs/pics ^^