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  1. V

    the official spam thread

    actually no, I had this math problem in school a while ago so^^
  2. V

    the official spam thread

    wrong thread maybe? :) Anyway isn't that the famous Monty Hall problem? I remember I heard of the exact problem, the only difference being that there are three doors and behind one of them is a car and behind two of them is a sheep. If it is then I think it goes like this: If you choose box 1...
  3. V

    GamerMaus BH

    BTW I wanna say this for future reference in case someone thinks its allowed to use macros in css. Think of it like this: Is it fair to be able to hold a button that shoots a pistol/handgun like a rifle? Just because it is possible to do that with shotgun doesn't mean it should automatically be...
  4. V

    the official spam thread

    That was a nice riddle! Also, nice explaining Geo, guess I wouldn't ever have figured that one out :)
  5. V

    GamerMaus BH

    Bhop script = 3rd party software (I believe) using +jump macro on a gamermouse isn't exactly software, but it gives you a huge advantage over those without a gamermouse a.k.a the majority because you don't have to time your jump, which is probably the most vital part of bhop lol. After all its...
  6. V

    the official spam thread

    You haven't told us the housenumber but ok, my guess is that there is one that is 4 yrs and a pair of twins that are 3 yrs each
  7. V

    the official spam thread

    Subway and KFC even better ;)
  8. V

    Necrophiler Pisser! guess someone wanted to badname you viper
  9. V

    New Version of cbble_eh_v7

    IMO change yourself, not the map... What I mean with that is that it entirely depends on the situation: who are the campers, who are the zombies, how many of each, etc. If you know you are playing against experienced zombies, then be aware of the tree. If all/most are dead, then no need to...
  10. V


    My point exactly, players gonna request all kinds of songs, now when they are gonna request only the song title (and I have seen that in-game), that isn't going to help them as long as they expect the DJ to know the name of the artist. I mean I already know multiple songs with the same name but...
  11. V


    I see, well I think I only requested songs when there was no DJ live (I can only guess so as it said something like 'autoDJ' in the chat). Anyway I saw ingame it says: type !request <song>. Is there any specific format for the <song> ?
  12. V


    About this fragradio, I have requested multiple songs already and have still to wait for them to be played. So how long does it take for a song to played through fragradio once a player has requested a song? And does it work like : !request Artist - Title, or the other way around?
  13. V

    G-G-G-G-German Spam Thread!

    3 Stunden (ink. Pause von 15 min :S).
  14. V

    zm_azduextincion_acp_v3 Secret?

    nice find ! I bet the map maker thought 'lets punish the oversmart players trying to camp in hard-to-reach places' hahaha :D Am gonna look for more hidden stuff now brb :P
  15. V

    zm_azduextincion_acp_v3 Secret?

    showtrigger_something ? :S and yea so much unknown stuff, anyone know who even made this map ?
  16. V

    zm_azduextincion_acp_v3 Secret?

    I see, yes runboost might work indeed. Anyways I went on 'Create a server' to have a look at this map and I found out/remembered a few things : 1) mind the noclip, it's just to show you that I thought that that was the house you guys were talking about, so I went towards the roof of the...
  17. V

    zm_azduextincion_acp_v3 Secret?

    That sounds cool, but where in the map is this house you're talking about?
  18. V

    movies/series ?

    One of the funniest sitcoms I ever watched was "My Wife & Kids", too bad they stopped it after about 5 seasons :/ Another comedy series I watched was "Mind your Language", it's British comedy of the 70s so I doubt you'll find them on torrent dl'ing sites, but I watched seasons 1-3 on youtube :>
  19. V

    Server V1 & V2 & V3 - scratch install - Todo list - problems reporting - etc

    Whether a weapon is noob or not is mostly subjective :D. BTW I don't get it when players are running with knife when trying to escape from a horde of zombies. You run just as fast with knife as with pistols or SMG (except P90 and maybe UMP) E: going off-topic here, sorry
  20. V

    G-G-G-G-German Spam Thread!

    In Österreich muss man für den Matura (sowas wie der Abitur in Deutschland) entweder 'Austrian Geography' oder 'Austrian History' Unterricht nehmen, aber weil ich schon Geographie als einer von 6 Fächer studiere, muss ich nur Austrian History machen, die ich Samstags habe (aber nicht jeden Samstag)