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  1. V

    the official spam thread

    So ur one of those who seem to prolong the damn round -.- xD
  2. V

    the official spam thread

    that goat has got a lot of
  3. V

    Cs:Go there is no sv_airaccelerate command in go? I thought go uses the same engine as css :S
  4. V


    I read on Alliedmods that the zombie mod of cs:go is a remake of the zombie:reloaded of css, unfortunately it seems the plugin/mod isn't finalized yet, and the gameplay isn't so good compared to css. I really hope the remakers can fix those bugs otherwise zombie mod would be pretty unbalanced on...
  5. V


    Has anyone tried any zombie servers yet? particularily EH servers? I wanna know how the gameplay is different to the zombie in css.
  6. V

    [Forum Game] The Banned Game

    !ban all for turning this to another spam thread!!
  7. V

    Ban Request 2 roofcampers

    Ban requests: name of the player: Dz steam id: STEAM_0:0:29930128 which server: v2 (surprisingly :O) why: roofcamper when: 07-08-2012 late night proof: screens with their steam ids. Ban requests: name of the player: v' steam id: STEAM_0:1:10221152 which server: again v2 why...
  8. V

    the official spam thread

    It's good to see v4 getting more and more popular..especially on a map that many people don't like (I like this map but many players don't) Also, I believe there is a thread specifically for screenshots, so it's...
  9. V

    Server Problems or Issues

    Happens to me too at times, both players need to type !zstuck for some reason. However if you come across 2 players that are stucked in each other, what you can do is the following: Stand on top of the bottom zombie Type !zstuck (or press your bind for !zstuck like I do) Crouch and walk...
  10. V

    Zm Knockback

    wow 21 kills!! Now I thought special of me when I got 12 kills with the office outbreak :)
  11. V

    Zm Knockback

    Was playing before on v2 and then v4 (attack binds are low^^) and I didn't notice any bug. :)
  12. V

    the official spam thread

  13. V

    Editing demofiles possible?

    Ofcourse you can edit demos with other programs...what NoMatt3r was trying to know was whether you could edit demos without changing the file format (.dem)
  14. V

    G-G-G-G-German Spam Thread!

    natürlich könntest ja nur du sowas posten oder? xD ^^
  15. V

    Editing demofiles possible?

    True regarding the fact that you can't edit/cut demos. And the bad thing is you can't be told to 'make shorter demos' you never know when the person is gonna block the next time if you are trying to catch a blocker for example :/
  16. V

    Happy Birthday, Niko!

    Happy Birthday ;)
  17. V

    some new stuff!

    No, pls don't remove the office maps! Well zm_officerush is quite camper, but zm_officeattack and zm_office_outbreak are really cool maps, especially office_outbreak it's one of my favorites!! Several people would be under the impression that those maps are fun (i.e several campers AND...
  18. V

    the official spam thread

    lol? Whaddup in spam thread?!?
  19. V

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    Well I'm not the one claiming zm_towers_pepsiii_cvit to be a camper map, but I'm sure we both know why 4way_tunnel won't ever be removed from the maplist ;) And for ze_spacestationzz in v3, I think the solution is to simply change the config of the mother zombie spawn (first zombie) timer...
  20. V

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    Could we have this one added in v2? At least for test? It looks nice to me with open space for hunting. And in the link it describes that it is a fixed version so it must be balanced or?