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  1. V

    word association

    San Fierro?
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    Ban Request Mosher

    If that's the same emma that I remember from the servers, then she is/she was neo's gf
  4. V

    EH member ! gratz :)

    EH member ! gratz :)
  5. V

    word association

    push up
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    Niklon's daily dose of dope dubstep picks

    I knew it! You have a good taste of music :)
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    мя. bAnG BaNg ! igot some news..

    House arrest != grounded Something I didn't know until talking about it to Bang Bang himself <3
  8. V

    map ratings

    Didn't know that sorry, guess I always gave a map a rating when the thing popped up. Still, it's quite odd to see how most of the maps have an incredibly weird rating. I may be completely misinterpreting the bar charts but isn't green supposed to represent "best" and red representing "worst"...
  9. V

    map ratings

    Good point, it would be good if the first option wasn't taken into account (kinda like the map votes admins initiate), that way the statistics won't be skewed like they are atm.
  10. V

    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    nvm this post, this map is running on v4 atm, but this map has 40 player spawns and v4 is 64 slot..
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    word association

  12. V

    word association

  13. V

    word association

    um...yea...I think a new round is due
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    word association

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    Clan Tag Faker

    I remember there was a rule made by HA about this when a player faked another one's name (can't find actual thread but was about someone impersonating volraider), however I don't think that rule applies to faking clans. I hope they reconsider it: if a player who is not a member of a certain...
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    word association

  17. V

    A new forum! much more professional!

    there's a chatbox on the forum? why don't I know this?!? I guess I'm a 'non-admin' and thus not a valuable member of this community :> (inb4 calm down vydx)
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    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    ah so you were lightblue, was wondering earlier on during the day
  19. V

    word association

  20. V

    word association

    ok :( double