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  1. D


    okay, thank you much :) gonna do it. New map name will be zm_3_rooms_V5_final. Also i add lights on some dark places, and replace some tracks with new one
  2. D


    I didnt find anything what could break the game after 3 days. Just one small bug found, but its just visual. The fog in disco disco doesnt want to work anymore. Idk why. I didnt change anything there
  3. D

    Server features suggestions

    I dont agree with block/noblock. I often go with teammates to specific places where we can boost up. But, maybe zstuck could be longer maybe about 10 seconds, cuz its annoying that I press /zstuck and I still cant move cuz its too short. I also love fall damage for humans, cuz noobs die and...
  4. D

    ZM_3_ROOMS_V5 All secrets revealed

    All 11 secrets of that map revealed here :) I hope this map (V5) will be soon on EH V3 server :p, since zm_3_rooms_V4 was too small Map is also in attachments
  5. D


    Okay so MAP IS DONE. Its ready to download in attachments. Feel free to test. I hope now its final :P The map is more than twice bigger as V4/EH was Wider/higher/bigger corridors, added exteriors into main part of map 4 spawnplaces instead of two (16+16 in interior, 16+16 in exterior) Added...
  6. D


    Okay so. Map is almost done. It just needs some bug fixes/ light fixes. Tomorow it will be ready to download :) Adding some screenshot of new exterior place. Map is now ideal for 64 players. There is much more light, than u see on photos. Map is not dark.
  7. D


    Okay guys. After the 3rooms test on V3 server. Some people loved it, some hated. There is V5 comming in day or two. The main problem of original map was the size for 64 players. New version will be Much wider, bigger, less laggy, and secrets little more accessible. Changes on V5 compared to V4...
  8. D


    Alright. I HOPE THATS THE LAST FIX :D Last version is broken, since i forget to put two custom textures in it. This hot fix has: shorter blue vent there is prop block (clip_vphysics) in red vent. added wolfy rules at staircase fixed flying lamps from last version :D tested localy...
  9. D


    MAP IS FIXED 1. there is more light in canals and ventroom 2. CT room added two 64boxes, 3. Both CT and T rooms are higher, so u can stand on ramps, 4. Removed fence from one side of the boxes, other remains. 5. Light switch of ventroom is moved to secret room, no reachable by default 6...
  10. D


    So thank you for feedback. Please. Dont get me wrong. I just want to understand those standards. Maybe that third pipe is little harder. But yea I can fix that. But look this. 1. There are more entrances. There is no need for fix, look video. 2. same 3. You can break wooden walls and you can...
  11. D


    And also I dont get why those concrete pipes are problem. There are those on many maps on EH server. And its pretty simple to kill anybody in it. Zm_Corps has spots like this (and much longer, example on roof). Also very dark places without any ability to turn lights on there. Also zm_eh maps...
  12. D


    Wait. Actually. This map will be not Ct sided as you think. There are pretty simple “secret” teleports which can destroy whole CT spots. Also as you saw there are many wooden breakables. After they are destroyed its not hard to jump on crates and then jump on that ramp. Can we try it together...
  13. D


    also adding some fresh new screenshots
  14. D


    Okay. So it's 45MB. Map is finished and ready. After I've packed custom stuff into map, the lighting always get broken. But its not fatal. Anyway, We can test it :p You can download it right here! We can make a call or something. Or try add me on FB Messenger (David Davo Komlóši) or Steam (Davo...
  15. D


    I have a question for admins. What is maximum acceptable size (in MB) of the map please? Thank you! Btw, map is fully optimised. there are some small unfixable weird prop lightings. 72 spawnpoints, elevator total durable against any blocking, or even blocking by props. After some sound fixes...
  16. D


    Sooo, the map is finished as I promised. Now optimisations, fixes and details are now in progress. in 5-6 days it will be ready for the server. We can test it then. Adding some screenshots. I have to fix many things, so dont take those screenshots too seriously. But map (corridors/places/rooms)...
  17. D


    Thank you! Im adding you. Map will be finished this week. Another week will be for optimisations (SKIP/HINT/areaportals/nodraw fixes/Func_detail) and details (light fixes/decals/decorations/etc)
  18. D

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Davo_SVK

    Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Ingame name Sladka Šuška SteamID STEAM_0:0:30056800 Ban/Gag reason Porn spray/ naked girl spray Desired outcome Lift my punishment Statement of grounds Ive used porn spray for 6 months, but I never sprayed it in front of all players until this week (Ive sprayed...
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    Hello guys. Im old player on EH server V3 in CSS, (since 2010 or 11) And I would like to make a funny map for this server. If you want. But Ive already started. I took my old small buggy map from 2013 and totaly remaked it. Brush fixes, nodraw, etc. Its now bigger, and Ive added lot of "secrets"...