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  1. B

    Ban Request: Windforce

    Name: Windforce SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17121895 Server: Zombie Hunting V5 Time and Date: 16:29 - 16:32 today Reason: Bad Spraylogo Additional Information: ...
  2. B

    Ban Request: lolz - Lapin de Lol

    Name: lolz - Lapin de Lol SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81865707 Server: Zombie Hunting V5 Time and Date: 15:37 - 15:40 06/07/14 Reason: Insulting/Swearing Additional Information: Proof...
  3. B

    Ban Request: King - N.W.O

    It should be before ''go away from the window''. Because i also saw that he wrote that after.
  4. B

    Ban Request: King - N.W.O

    Well. I don't see that text ''go and f*ck ur ugly mother'' in the chatlog, but he wrote it?
  5. B

    Ban Request: JohnLocke NL

    Name: JohnLocke NL SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23649981 Server: Zombie Hunting V2 Time and Date: 16:57 - 17:02 Reason: Insulting/Swearing Additional Information: And...
  6. B

    Ban Request: goebel.simon

    Name: goebel.simon SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63136613 Server: Zombie Hunting V5 Time and Date: Today 16:40 - 16:49 Reason: Game/Map exploit Additional Information: Roof Camping on V5.
  7. B

    Ban Request: King - N.W.O

    Name: King - N.W.O SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18812594 Server: Zombie Hunting V2 Time and Date: Today about 15:47 - 15:49 Reason: Insulting/Swearing Additional Information: Screenshot and Chatlog...
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    Killing Floor 2 :rolleyes:
  9. B

    Post your screens (scores) ZM

    xD P.S. I dont know how to get that man away lol.
  10. B

    the official spam thread

    I'd like to have some fun. Bipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is BeautifulBipsen Is...
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    the official spam thread

    Hello everybody!
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    maps | List + Add/Remove requests!

    mg_lego_multigames_v2 One of the best mg maps i know :). Bipsen.
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    Arhh, ok thx :)!. Bipsen.
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    Look's like the map isn't the biggest in the world, but maybe it could work? Bipsen.
  15. B

    zm_amphi What about this one? :).
  16. B

    Unban Request: Epilogue

    Good job Epilogue :). Bipsen.
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    Crown the King: The Winners

    Ok, that sounds good :). Bipsen.
  18. B


    Or rename the v5 to v4, that would be better ;)