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  1. N

    Unban Request: Nizzle

    Name: Nizzle SteamID: 0:0:17257541 Ban reason: Inappropriate Language, the last time i was banned was because of Inappropriate Language. I have been banned 10 times. The other 9 times are because other reasons that you can see in at Sourcebans Unban reason: Hello Elite Hunterz I regret all...
  2. N

    [Banrequests] Some hours without any admins :)

    Guys, i were blocking. But i am blocing for the elevator, because then we are getting up with it, all the zombies block so i cant run and jump and the elevator. They are blocking me at it! But i have no evidence. Just saying it.
  3. N

    Banned from Zombie hunter

    Unban requests: name: Nizzle steam id: 0:0:17257541 reason of the ban: Exploiting by entering vending machines, And blocking, Talking danish in chat, Swearing in danish- why u should be unbanned: Im sorry Im blocking. I will stop doing that! I will stop swearing in danish and stop...