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  1. M

    Bookcase in the map zm_officerush

    When we are in the map zm_officerush infront of the T spawn. There is a bookcase that some people shot into the staircase. Now we have a problem because half of the admins believe that there is nothing wrong doing this and another half of admins that believe this is considered teamkilling. This...
  2. M

    Misunderstanding with admin Junior

    We were on zm_eh_towers and I was in the tunnel secret room and I was "blocking the door" to not allow the zombies in to stab me and he teleports me. He said I was blocking, but I don't believe it is since there is the other entrance at the top. It also was against zombies not another human. So...
  3. M

    Denied# Abuse Report: [EH] Easy

    Admin's Name [EH] Easy Time and date october 1 2019 Server v3 Description Easy slayed me and set me on fire for no reason. he claims that I team killed because I was stuck in someone in a doorway and they all died. If we are gonna slay ppl because they cant back peddle fast enough then you...