Ginger Gone Wild

Ginger Gone Wild

6 Feb 2024
Being a noob and copying and pasting from forum.

What's your name, where do you live and how old are you? My name is Dan, 32, Live in the US - Philadelphia, PA. I am married. No kids yet. I work in reinsurance. I basically handle the insurance for insurance companies.

For how long have you been playing on our servers? Gosh - as long as I can remember - I cant remember when I first started playing to TBH - maybe 2010- 2011ish. I was in my late teens which is sad to say but good since this sever has been around so long.

Are you a dedicated zombie hunter or do you enjoy playing other mods, too? I have always loved ZMod on CSS. I love L4D. I played on this server for years. TBH, I left in about 2016-2017. I focused on my career and now comfortable and realized that I miss gaming so I came back to steam but chose CSS and EH. I came back in Jan 2023. I remember where I left off and how everything was the same.

What's your favourite thing about EliteHunterz? I love the terrible players like I am. I fail name a lot by mistake and do stupid shit like sniper a zom to a crowd. Still trying to get back into things.

Do you have any other hobbies than gaming? I love my dogs and hike a lot with them. I have a westie and a chihuahua but they hike with me all the time without any tempers. My chih is always on my back in her backpack but my westie is always by my side. My dogs are my children until I have them. Maybe soon...

Do you like pets and do you have a kitten? ^^ - see above - I love doggos. My mother still has my childhood cats. The twins are both 13.

You may want to attach a picture of yourself? - I am a legit Ginger. All I can say. My breed is dying. Will not post a pic yet.

All I can say is that I missed playing ZM on CSS. I came back after years and EH was the only thing that stayed the same. I try to play everyday. I did get in trouble by game admins as I accidentally had "two full servers and waiting to join" on my page and I joined and played and my other waiting list joined so it made it seems like I left and joined again so I decided to say screw it and buy premium membership to avoid the wait. The game is worth it. See you in game and I promise to not be a noob as I get used to the game again.
Hello and welcome to our forum and community.

If you get into this rejoining situation again, you can just tell us what happened and it won't be an issue.

Anyway I'm glad you enjoy our community and I wish you a lot of fun and joy and
Happy hunting