I like the map,I can clearly see you were inspired by zm_lila_panic_173 version of lila,because some of the spots in your version are similar if not identical.
However,since lila panic 173 is in the special map list because of it's unbalanced spots,your version also should fall into the same category..
Here are a few examples of unabalanced spots I managed to find:
1) This whole vent area,that you need to crouch through + the little secret passage through the wall you also need to crouch through. Impossible for zombies to get humans.
2) Only one crouch way in and 2 props inside. Impossible for zombies yet again.
3) One little passage up from the stairs to get into the room,and too many props( 4 sofas and 4 vending machines) humans can easily barricade in there forever and just farm autosniper kills through the glass.
4) You should try to avoid pipes placed like this. It creates a spot for zombies or humans to fall in and get stuck forever since there is no way back up. Either remove this or make it into a secret teleporter ( similar can be found on zm_lila_epic)
5) These two spots are directly taken from zm_lila_panic_173 and for the same exact reason they are unbalanced there,so are on this version. Long crouch areas zombies need to go through to get to the humans.
2-3 people,even without M249,can easily hold in there forever, if reloads are timed correctly.
On a final note, I do appreciate how easy it is to access the roof in your lila panic version.
But from the tests I did offline,I can only see this map ever added as a special map.