When i am in game. My trash is not personal! Comkn guys!


Well-Known Member
14 Apr 2022
It is bit late while i writting a other memorial peace of garbage article but i will short it as match as i can.

First . Why i do this shot post. Ahh since gaming for me is now more rare than i woud like and i am really owerhelm with real life chalanges and it dry me out sometimes. So where i am here? Well as happy as i was i return for short period and use it in way as you know i do play now since i lisnn and found out i am moust hatefull peace you know what autosniper so now i do legit trolling a lot of xa xa xa xa in chat (here we will return to this) now it looks i am hatfull nub who do random shit( can i writte word shit not harming other souls reading it? I hope no). When i use this fat fatty F yes? Well i am sorrt cuz i dont know how to curst in english with out this fat fatty F use cuz in my native it is 100 other ways i woud like to curst but in english -it have limitation so i use single fat fatty F! Sorry if in game it looks bad and means as trash or be rude and not polite . So why i am explaining this? Well here comes
The fat fatty:
Seond : when i play i can do 8 legit good laughing hours like youngest dumbest child in world at age 31. Yes i use chat with f and shit and few other words what you guys i really really really hope is inaf good to not let you bother it in game. So as far as we are now who is still reading i woud like to return about my xa xa xa using in game. Moust times when another person kills enemy and puts xa xa xa it is proboly suck feeling and understanding person thinks you are just bad . When i put xa xa xa after killing you guys admins or not admins it means i am F lauging and i am chilling and i am happy and last thing i think that you suck or are bad. I just enjoy all shit you guys in what ever manier doing in server. I know when i play 8 fat F hours i can start get moody and belive i also have gamers who make fun on me and when i see xa xa xa in a fu...almost wrote that one.... When i see xa xa xa in chat and i think it is to me i somehowe give a single thing about it. May chat use can be trash but it is proboly not meaning to you ! Think about it! Exspecial admins! Put xa xa xa + wrote trash to other frend ! A fuc....frend a trash knowing that person will be more than okey! Than read admins teaching you saying in words who you are . I am not complain about it but it just sometimes get me sad in server when in what ever way i comunicate with others + not geting negatice feedback from gamers and all i do i put in game chat xa xa xa xa after killing admin not even menaig it to that person ! Booom i am this that and all i do is trash chating ! Mouments like that really ruin my mood in game and i try just let myself bit loose cuz outside that f monitor is real not good days sometimeys. Sometimes i feel other admins also come in server with some already haevy load on thay shoulders so i try not make big deal in mouments when i think thay guidence how i shoud use that public chat in game i am not agree with it