Recent content by ayyy

  1. ayyy

    word association

  2. ayyy

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  3. ayyy


  4. ayyy

    Count to 1500 using pictures!

  5. ayyy

    [Game] Carry on a sentence

  6. ayyy

    the official spam thread

  7. ayyy

    Half sideways surfing :D

    Keep up the good work! :astonished:
  8. ayyy


    Just thought I'd throw down a post here to introduce myself. If you play on surf_mesa you probably know me pretty well or have at least seen me on multiple occasions. I do my best to help out the community and bring in as many people as I can (to surf mesa that is for now) Hope you guys are...
  9. ayyy


    I'm sure you guys are aware of this by now, but haven't seen a post about it so i'll just toss it out there, the command "!dowant" for admin does not work. Like I said, i'm sure you guys are aware, but just tossing it out there.
  10. ayyy

    CSGO Bot Replay

    Niko, quick question. Would there be any way to have the replay be of the SR holder? For instance I mainly play Mesa, and the bot usually has a :48 or :47 second time. I'm sitting at :49:03 and I know how to get the :47 time(the skip from ramp 6 to 8 is pretty challenging) but would be very...
  11. ayyy

    Credits Store for CSGO Surf?

    The only downside I see with a credit store for the current point system, is a new player can join, get a time of 5:00:00 and slowly beat it every time for free points i.e free trails and models. I would personally love to see a point store put in because I'm currently sitting at 2335 points...
  12. ayyy

    [Go-Free SURF servers] Admin Application

    [Go-Free SURF] ayyy Please enter your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:111435427 What is your ingame name: ayyy Link to your steam profile: Where do you live (At least specify from which country): NY, USA How old are you? (please be honest...