Recent content by denied

  1. denied

    [test needed] zm_fear

    Played and tested with around 10-14 players if I remember correctly. I really like this one, great map! The only thing I want to point out is that it could do with some wider hallways/pathways, otherwise approved 👍 It also has a single player mode, which you can enable from the admin room...
  2. denied

    SyntX why? Check your dm, don't answer here..

    SyntX why? Check your dm, don't answer here..
  3. denied

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    Yeah haha! A huge clutch for me, the zombie on the sofa stopped pushing, I think he was just as surprised as me 🥴
  4. denied

    Saw that video, nice. Imagine crouch hunting on 4way 👀

    Saw that video, nice. Imagine crouch hunting on 4way 👀
  5. denied

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    Thank you easy. You don't have to worry about me, I intend to never go through this again. Have a good weekend!
  6. denied

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    Hello again, I'm not sure whether I should make a new request or "re-open" this one, so the latter. Now that some more time has passed, and looking back through the thread. Is there a chance, that I can be allowed to be given another chance? I'm sorry if this matter was considered closed, I...
  7. denied

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    I've had some time to reflect, while placing myself in easy's shoes, and looking at it from the perspective you guys view this. I agree, it does seen like I'm mocking this whole ordeal. I know it's hard to tell if someone is being geniuen over forum, discord and steam messages. Please, please...
  8. denied

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    Nova Server event was every Saturday at 20:00 CEST for more than half a year. Our Event had a fixed date and time every Saturday, and that had nothing to do with your V1 event. I've tried to be reasonable with you, despite being called stupid numerous times. The amount of entitlement you show...
  9. denied

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    Inspiration from the free julian assange protest.
  10. denied

    Handled+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Ingame name [₦н] ᴰᵉⁿⁱᵉᵈ SteamID STEAM_0:1:587732205 Ban/Gag reason Desired outcome Lift my punishment Statement of grounds It's been 1 year, 1...
  11. denied

    Best joke ever i have heard in 2024

    Let's go back to that intention, @SyntX and @Soup^ fight has been ended, and the winner is @denied done deal. I have to disagree, Elite Camperz is not banter, just straight facts :cool:
  12. denied

    Best joke ever i have heard in 2024

    I don't get why Nova has to receive hate for making an event server for our clan and guests. Maybe some actions have been a bit unorthodox, like advertising on EH even after Easy gave me several chances, I messed up and did something I knew was wrong, driven by passion. I realize now it wasn't...
  13. denied

    Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: denied

    All I've been doing, well-knowing of the rules, has been trying to grow my(our) community. "trying to harm us seem to be a big thing in nova clan leadership" I was at no point trying to hurt EH. I was trying to grow a community and that Is a challenge in itself with the current climate of CSS...