Recent content by eXor

  1. E

    eXor's application!

    We haven't been able to have our conversation yet, and I'm travelling to France with my girlfriend on Tuesday. I'll be unavaliable until the 27th of July. Can we extend this conversation til then? Thanks!
  2. E

    eXor's application!

    Hey! Awesome! I haven't received any friendship requests yet though.
  3. E

    eXor's application!

    Hello dear Elite Hunterz! My name is eXor, and I hope you enjoy reading my application! (We'll stop with the annoying colors here, I'm sorry, haha!) About myself: I'm a 19 years old boy living in Norway. I am currently studying Political Science, and living in my own house. I've got a...
  4. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    That's more than we could've asked for. A big thank you to the EH admnistrators.
  5. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    Hey bud! Yeah, I saw your thread, and we've got two similar threads up there. I've been enjoying this game because of the EH servers, and although most of the admins are doing a great job, there are a few ones that are using the power to increase the fun of their own gameplay. I'd like to keep...
  6. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    Just had a chat with Deanburger and gave him the name of the main admin abuser I've witnessed. There are two more, but those are minor abuses really. I have to admit; I'm really amazed about how much the admins are caring to improve this, and this really makes me want to play even more on EH...
  7. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    Of course! I apologize if you got me wrong, but mostly the admins on EH are terrific! They listen to the players, and they're fun to chat and play with! Sadly, with power comes temptation to use it for your own good, and I've experienced that there are a few admins that often do that. I'm not...
  8. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    You're right. Several admins do use the !saveloc for teleporting stuck players, and to teleport others when needed, however I have myself several times been teleported by admin x so he can jump on my head to gain boost to bunny jump. I've been spectating him, and noticed that he does it with...
  9. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    I could name all of the admins I've used to the given examples, and these are only a few. I've never recorded it with a demo, but I've more than often called them out on it - so the chatlog system will surely show that the incident really did happen.
  10. E

    The lack of attention given by admins.

    I've been playing a couple of hours every day on the EH servers lately, and I've fallen in love with the different servers. They're beautiful set up, and with the co-operation of players and admins it's become the most fun server that I can play on, however - I'd like to create this feedback so...
  11. E

    Server Problems or Issues

    The server has needed an update all night. Wasn't possible to play on any of the servers because they were outdated (new CSS patch came out) - and now as the server is updated it crashes at once as there are enough players to create a zombie. Message from Console: ConVarRef...
  12. E

    Unban request | eXor -

    Haha! Thank you! Well, I made a huge mistake, there's no denying that. My language was not acceptable, and if I come here and demand to get unbanned I'll look like an even bigger douchebag than I've given the image of being. I'll have to admit though - one week is killing me, haha. Well, from...
  13. E

    Follow Us

    There we go! :)
  14. E

    Unban request | eXor -

    Thank you so much! That's very kind of you mate! I'll never let this behaviour repeat, that's a promise. This was very stupid of me, and if I ever decide to troll or get mad I'll go somewhere else, or watch my language heavily. Once again, thank you - and I promise you that you'll see...
  15. E

    Unban request | eXor -

    I'd like to add that this is my first ban on this server, and I don't intend to receive anymore. I messed it up, and I've for long considered to dedicate myself to this server and consider an application for becoming an admin, but those chances are for long gone because of my behaviour. Once...