Recent content by Kr1pT1c

  1. Kr1pT1c

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: RUFFNECK + ⤜leaohasname ✴ + яйцеслав

    Hello sxmityy, I have reviewed your report and the player "яйцеслав" has been gagged for 1 week for racism. Regarding the other two players: Unfortunately from your demo there is not sufficient evidence of any teaming or teamkilling happening. I have checked the demo at the mentioned tick and...
  2. Kr1pT1c

    How did you come up with your name?

    I stole my name from a Halo YouTuber way way back in the day and been using it ever since. Only true OGs will know this man
  3. Kr1pT1c

    Happy birthday Mr Stulle

    Happy birthday Mr Stulle
  4. Kr1pT1c

    Happy Birthday Kama kameleon

    Happy Birthday Kama kameleon
  5. Kr1pT1c

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    You can clearly see in chat I had admin things to attend to, otherwise I woulda done a backflip, landed behind you and slit your Achilles heel
  6. Kr1pT1c

    Post your screenshots { Knife killZ !! } ZM

    wow you killed bot @svetoi, good job 😈
  7. Kr1pT1c


    Hey, nice work. Map looks very clean and I'm sure people will automatically like it more just because it looks like cbble (texture wise). Very curios to see how it plays out on the server
  8. Kr1pT1c


    Wow this looks amazing. Can't wait to try this out. Also I believe @Seele will enjoy those new pictures
  9. Kr1pT1c

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: smiley

    Thank you for the report. The player has been banned for destroying barricades. You can find the ban here.
  10. Kr1pT1c

    [added] zm_eh_4Seasons

    ***** New Version ***** Nerfed this spot by lowering the big box Other than that I merely reduced the fog in the autumn section of the map to ensure better visibility.
  11. Kr1pT1c

    [online] zm_spacestation_eh

    I present to you an updated version of my spacestation map: Here are the changes I have made Changed this op spot in the middle of the map to try and balance it out. Added some more spawns outside. Added this one way barrier which repels zombies to add another defendable spot for the humans...
  12. Kr1pT1c

    Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Drunken MacLeod

    Hello, you have been muted for 5 days. Your mute expires on the 15.07.2024 18:43:42.
  13. Kr1pT1c

    Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: czar4you

    Yes, there were multiple players teaming, they were all banned respectively. Your ban is 4 days long not 7 days.
  14. Kr1pT1c

    Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: czar4you

    You blocked the human from being knifed, that's called teaming. Also you crouched in front of the human to be knifed into the players camping on the truck, also teaming. Your ban length has been chosen according to your history. Every ban will become longer than the last, until eventually you...