Congrats to the top 15 players and clans! + a 16th place for our blue boy :p
and sick stacking, the EH clan is still broken on hlstats but we managed to place 1st and 2nd! good job guys!
Good luck for the next month!
Hi, is the insulting part captured in the demo by any chance? (I haven't viewed it)
if not, the screenshots of hlstatsX can't be used as we need in-game screenshots by principle.
I'll let an admin verify the rest
hi, to avoid confusion, since you believe that Easy is biased against you, I'll respond.
I started this community more than 15 years ago, we're a fair community and we also give many chances to our players.
Many communities out there flat out deny banned players from ever rejoining, even with...
I happened to see it live and gagged him, thank you for reporting though!
Valve blessed us with a new CS:S update!
This only means one thing: all servers are currently broken.
I spent quite a lot of time trying to get things fixed, however things aren't work right now.
You can continue following our updates by joining our discord server at...
I have finally found the reason behind this. it was the local sourcebans sqlite database used as a queue for pending bans.
it somehow got stuck in that queue and had to be manually removed!
hey, what is your steamid?
I can't find your ingame profile
Edit: I found your steamID:
my question now is: what message do you see?
I have no idea where you are from or what you're going through, but how about you just pick something fun/innocent that doesn't end up polarizing players on the server?
Real life sucks enough already in itself, let's not bring it into games too....
This said, I'll leave the request for the...
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