Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: LexiIsMyNamey


5 Jan 2025
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Lexi

SteamID LexiIsMyNamey

Ban/Gag reason typing

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
i climbed up ladder and infected like 3 cts and then it spread to whole team. i type in capital letters THE SICKNESS. next message: IT SPREAD

muted for spam

the auto server scripts spew out about 20 lines of text every 10 seconds why cant users type anything. people have gone crazy with anti-spam meassures because of how easy it is to install the scripts and set them up on css servers but the thing is, you are taking away the fun of typing fast and reacting to things that happen. everyone is allowed ONE slot of reaction so it makes for very bland interaction. something amazing happens and the chat is only allowed to look like


everyone is scared of mute because for some reason typing more than 2 lines of text in capital letters is considered spam?? spam is like viruses and links not peoples genuine personality
Hey Lexi.

The Console gagged u for 15 mins because of spamming and that also goes for when u screaming in the chat with your capital letter writing.

I suggest you write it in small letters in future then it wont happen and when i see ur chatlog it was just a question of time when this will happen...

Regards Esiq :)


  • lexi.PNG
    90.3 KB · Views: 55
I don't understand what that screenshot is supposed to prove? If you took a singular chatlog of any user and truncated all other chat then it would look like that. I am not talking to myself in that screenshot you posted, that's just my messages only and not everyone else's. also isnt spam im just typing fast?
Here maybe this will help you to understand.


This is just some random user's chatlog. They are just talking normal. There seems to be some sort of weird issue with CAPITAL LETTERS.

It seems to be that you are not allowed to have a personality because CAPITAL LETTERS ARE SCARY.

Could you explain to me why you think it's right that for all of css's history there has been good memories of crazy things happening in the game and people typing and having multiple conversations in chat at once, to now only being allowed to say 1 thing every minute, and especially not anything eye catching?