Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Alex2810


22 Nov 2024
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name counter strike source

SteamID 76561199059619856

Ban/Gag reason Player PapuAlex1028 Steam ID STEAM_0:0:549677064 Steam3 ID [U:1:1099354128] Steam Community 76561199059619856 Invoked on 2024-11-17 15:59:28 Ban length Permanent Expires on Not applicable Reason Multi-Hack Banned by Admin Soup Total Bans No previous bans Banned from V3 Server is full - pw for VIPs: joinv1 Blocked (4) PapuAlex1028, PapuAlex1028, PapuAlex1028, PapuAlex1028

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
Hello, I have spoken with XXEQSIQUEL because I have checked that my punishment was without probable justification, they gave me punishment only for assumption, I do not use any hack, if you want evidence of that I can do it, I am simply a casual player, thank you I wait for your response
Hi again,I would very much like to give you a second chance but check this out: https://forum.elite-hunterz.com/threads/cs-s-all-cs-go-zm-protest-a-punishment-alex2810.15124/

You seem to be going back on your own statement of grounds,first admitting to only just using an autoclicker(which given the plugin flags wasn't the only thing you did),now stating that your punishment is without probable justification? Please..

I have already given you an answer in your first request and that's not going to change in the second one just because you talked to another admin or simply because few months have passed since then.My guess would also be that you haven't checked the .dem file attached to your ban because if you did,you would easily find out that your punishment wasn't issued to you based on assumptions.And specifically for cheats like aimbot,wallhacks,bhop scripts or any use of macros,rules are absolutely clear on them being not tolerated in the slightest and no second chances should be give,unless proof attached isn't valid,which seems to not be the case here.

Get a new mouse,if that's even a real excuse,get a new steam account,get a new copy of the game,and you are free to play again on the server. Consider that as a second chance.
Puedo decirte con certeza que estás totalmente equivocado, acabo de revisar la demo nuevamente y si te refieres a que no uso la lente de visión de francotirador es simple, juego alistado, un juego donde no hay mira en ningún arma, también estaba demasiado cerca del zombie, tengo experiencia en disparos fps, la otra parte que vi fue que estaba disparando a las puertas en el pasillo que van a desove, fácil he jugado mucho el mapa y sabía que los zombies estaban escondidos allí, pero si te fijas no lastimé a ningún zombie detrás de esa puerta, simplemente disparé pensando en lastimarlo y sabiendo que había un zombie allí, otra cosa que seguramente dirás es porque me muevo sin usar el mouse, mi mouse falla en varios aspectos, ya tengo un mouse nuevo, no es justo que tenga que volver a comprar el juego solo por una suposición tuya, yo no usaría hacks en ningún juego, ni siquiera tengo tiempo para jugar tanto, Solo soy casual, por favor revise mi demostración y considere mi solicitud y si necesita alguna, puedo enviarle evidencia a través de YouTube, no tengo ningún problema,

pd I claim that it continues assuming, I do not use hacks of any kind, if you check what an autoclicker does it just keeps clicking, it does not help at all in aim, it is the only bad thing I did and if you check I only enter for a little more than 1 hour and then I leave, check my points, if I used some help I would be close to the top 1 2 or 3 and it is not like that, I will not use the autoclicker anymore I understand, I already have a better mouse, but do not accuse me and ban me for something serious that I have not done, I had a great time in css and I can assure you that together with other people if they reviewed my demo they would know that it is totally wrong to give a ban, unfair and based on assumption and if it took me so long to send a review of my demo it is because I am a busy person and I did not know how I could get in touch with you, because I really like the game mode, I beg you to consider me, I have always been honest
Just because you didn't end up close to top 3,that doesn't mean you don't use any form of assistance.Your justification is completely irrelevant.

My demo shows you getting flagged for Aimbot. ( You were also flagged earlier for it,hence why I started spectating you in the first place,otherwise how would I know? ) and it's free for anyone to review,including you.

Let me sum up the demo in case someone is too bored to review it: Besides not using your scope at all ,you are hitting the head with 25/30 of your bullets and even perfectly track a few zombies behind the double doors on long. That seems a bit too good for someone that has a broken mouse.

You got flagged for Aimbot and it's shown on demo. Hell,even if you weren't using any form of aim assistance,you yourself admitted to using an autoclicker,which is considered a form of script/macro and therefore is a reason to be permanently banned for.
are you serious? i'm too close to fail, I repeat I have extensive experience in fps games and I don't track zombies, oh can you prove to me that I'm hitting them in the head if I had aim?? I bet you my respect that I'm not, because that's not the case, I simply shot at the doors by intuition, I already knew that some zombies went up there to take the others by surprise, who or what was it that identified me as aim, I can prove to you that I don't use aim and the autoclick is not for an advantage it was to not wear out my mouse so much, I'm so disappointed in this simple assumption, I thought they would take the time to verify well, they simply assume what it is, in what world are you going to use hacks in a casual game mode? It doesn't make sense, it's not even like you should feel superior to others, it's just about shooting zombies, I would like to know if there is any way to prove this error, I can do a live and show that I don't use hacks, I just want to play again, I'm so disappointed, they didn't even give me notice of anything, they simply banned me without me being able to prove my innocence.
And regarding the double doors, you can check that I'm not the only one doing it, I wasn't the only one shooting at the doors.
are you serious? i'm too close to fail, I repeat I have extensive experience in fps games and I don't track zombies, oh can you prove to me that I'm hitting them in the head if I had aim?? I bet you my respect that I'm not, because that's not the case, I simply shot at the doors by intuition, I already knew that some zombies went up there to take the others by surprise, who or what was it that identified me as aim, I can prove to you that I don't use aim and the autoclick is not for an advantage it was to not wear out my mouse so much, I'm so disappointed in this simple assumption, I thought they would take the time to verify well, they simply assume what it is, in what world are you going to use hacks in a casual game mode? It doesn't make sense, it's not even like you should feel superior to others, it's just about shooting zombies, I would like to know if there is any way to prove this error, I can do a live and show that I don't use hacks, I just want to play again, I'm so disappointed, they didn't even give me notice of anything, they simply banned me without me being able to prove my innocence.

It's nothing personal,but I would rather trust what the plugins say than take your word for it.

However,I have decided to give you the benefit of the doubt in this rare occasion and unban you.

Whatever it is you were using,drop it,uninstall it,do get rid of it in any way possible.

You are free to play again with this account but be aware that the next demo that shows you flagged with Aimbot or you using any form of auto-fire key won't be doubted in another ban request.

Have a good day.