Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: llamachicken


New Member
7 Mar 2025
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name llamachicken

SteamID 76561198169510846

Ban/Gag reason sharing server id

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
I have been gagged possibly for sharing an ip of a server. It was an honest mistake of control paste. i thought i had the !zstuck command on copy. and i accidentaly had an ip of a cs 1.6 server copied and accidentaly shared it. i am now gagged. Please lift my punishment as it was a mistake of a hurry. i enjoy playing at the zm servers and i have no intention of advertising servers. thank you in advance for your time.
Hey llamachicken,

welcome to our forum.
We have strict guidelines regarding advertising and posting ips from other servers.

From the chat i see it was unrelated, so I believe it, when you say it was a wrong bind.
I have reduced your gag to 2 weeks.

Keep in mind, that advertising again might end in a permanent gag.
I recommend to delete that bind.