Search results

  1. MisterPringles

    word association

    Redlight district
  2. MisterPringles

    word association

    Niko (24/7 in school)
  3. MisterPringles

    word association

  4. MisterPringles

    word association

  5. MisterPringles

    word association

  6. MisterPringles

    word association

  7. MisterPringles

    Unban Request: 1nfomercial

    Hello, No need for me to get into this useless discussion in details again. I have said what i have to say! Please next time know (like u say yourself) that the game is more important then a spray, the game isn't based on sprays so its not important at all. Apologies accepted. Have fun next...
  8. MisterPringles

    Unban Request: 1nfomercial

    Goodmorning, First of all, i have to straight up things. Because this topic made under the wrong reasons. The original ban was 1 hour and was for your attitude and bad behaviour and that for the last 2 days (48hours). When i've checked sb and u're chatlog/behaviour i had to increase it due...
  9. MisterPringles

    word association

  10. MisterPringles

    word association

    ' I'm responsible for what i say. I'm not responsible for what you understand ' (a phrase ^^)
  11. MisterPringles

    word association

  12. MisterPringles

    word association

  13. MisterPringles

    word association

    curtains xd
  14. MisterPringles

    word association

  15. MisterPringles

    word association

  16. MisterPringles

    word association

  17. MisterPringles

    word association

  18. MisterPringles

    word association

    Mr.Bean <3
  19. MisterPringles

    word association

    Olympic Games