Good idea, but I think we should put a cooldown on invite if we add a notification panel because otherwise some peoples would spam it and it would be problematic since it can temporally block a key {[e.g] You're running away from a zombie, your primary weapon is empty and you need to switch to...
There's no big reason why I propose that other than that I think it would be bring more life to the server.
I would add a longer cooldown for humans if it was implanted, like 4 minutes or something close to that because I think that screaming should still be a zombie thing.
I like your idea, but it's more that some spots can only be breached when you brute-force with numbers and when there's not enough players you only need 1 or 2 decent player to make it unbreachable.
The way I see it, we could do a separation of 12, 25, 50. We could also forgo the 12 and do 25, 50
Edit: 10, 20, 30 would be best in my opinion, I don't think going too high with the last category would be a good idea.
A dynamic map pool, by that I mean restricting some maps if there's not enough players on the server.
I don't know if it would be possible or a good idea.
I only saw that thread now,
but I would like to specify that everything I do in game is in good fun with other players and I have no problem to stop doing something if someone find it distributive and it's not the majority of the server participating.
Someone was using a name changer to grief today and KeTa record it, I'm posting this as a warning for other peoples and to somewhat protect myself by specifying that the griefer didn't have a Clan Tag.
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