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  1. Sauron Cat

    How did you come up with your name?

    I though about the Eye Of Sauron and how it look like a cat pupil. I say why not combine the two.
  2. Sauron Cat

    zm_office_house_v2 jump to get campers on red container

    To be fair, I was saying that because I didn't see anyone else doing it on this map.
  3. Sauron Cat

    zm_office_house_v2 jump to get campers on red container

    I'm happy that my trick became a tutorial
  4. Sauron Cat

    [New Plugin] Pings & Voice Chat on V3

    Good idea, but I think we should put a cooldown on invite if we add a notification panel because otherwise some peoples would spam it and it would be problematic since it can temporally block a key {[e.g] You're running away from a zombie, your primary weapon is empty and you need to switch to...
  5. Sauron Cat

    event ideas

    For next year April Fool, replace knife skin with this banana knife
  6. Sauron Cat

    Skin Idea for next Halloween.

    Pumkin head with the EliteHunterZ logo carved on it.
  7. Sauron Cat

    [Music] Post your favourite songs here

    Techno - Makina
  8. Sauron Cat

    Re-name the person above you

  9. Sauron Cat

    Proposal : Extending the !scream command to CT with either a sarcastic scream or an humorous one

    I found something that would fit but the voice is a little too deep in my opinion. The Audio is from Serious Sam : First Encounter.
  10. Sauron Cat

    Proposal : Extending the !scream command to CT with either a sarcastic scream or an humorous one

    There's no big reason why I propose that other than that I think it would be bring more life to the server. I would add a longer cooldown for humans if it was implanted, like 4 minutes or something close to that because I think that screaming should still be a zombie thing.
  11. Sauron Cat

    Server Feature proposal

    I like your idea, but it's more that some spots can only be breached when you brute-force with numbers and when there's not enough players you only need 1 or 2 decent player to make it unbreachable.
  12. Sauron Cat

    Server Feature proposal

    The way I see it, we could do a separation of 12, 25, 50. We could also forgo the 12 and do 25, 50 Edit: 10, 20, 30 would be best in my opinion, I don't think going too high with the last category would be a good idea.
  13. Sauron Cat

    Server Feature proposal

    I actually got that idea from a game in the Arcade of Starcraft 2
  14. Sauron Cat

    Server Feature proposal

    A dynamic map pool, by that I mean restricting some maps if there's not enough players on the server. I don't know if it would be possible or a good idea.
  15. Sauron Cat

    Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Wizard of Hoes

    I only saw that thread now, but I would like to specify that everything I do in game is in good fun with other players and I have no problem to stop doing something if someone find it distributive and it's not the majority of the server participating.
  16. Sauron Cat

    Someone was using my name to grief today.

    Someone was using a name changer to grief today and KeTa record it, I'm posting this as a warning for other peoples and to somewhat protect myself by specifying that the griefer didn't have a Clan Tag.