Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Wizard of Hoes


Well-Known Member
20 Oct 2021
Name Wizard of Hoes

SteamID 0:1:98047079

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 7:51 pm Athens time, 20 July 2023

Report Reason Teaming/Not following the game objective

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Proof Demo
Hey Doron,

i am not going to ban those players. Yes they were not teaming/not following the game objective,
but there were two admins online (including myself) while this happened, who could have taken care.
Hi Dhoutz,
Did you notice that or not? Its not your fault you cant have eyes on everything, thats why I believe all other players have to report when something is occured... maybe a warning just to remind them the rules, my suggestion.
No unfortunately i did not see it, but next time you could report ingame, so we can handle it.

I think for this situation a warning or slap/freeze would be enough, because it lasted just a few seconds.
I only saw that thread now,

but I would like to specify that everything I do in game is in good fun with other players and I have no problem to stop doing something if someone find it distributive and it's not the majority of the server participating.