Thanks for the report, when looking through demo1 you can see a clear case of aimbotting, especially when the rounds end and his aim locks onto the terrorists before zombies have spawned.
Player has been permanently banned for aimbotting, you can view it here.
In my opinion for such a short duration of them teaming, since they're both in spawn and the CT can be easily killed by another zombie It would be easier to just issue a warning instead of banning them both.
They weren't really disburbing the gameplay or ruining the round for someone so I feel...
I see no use of macro at all in the demo, the bhop key is showing and not barely being spammed as when people are using a script/macro.
It's quite short and he's not bhopping much at all beside from 3-4 hops, demo is not enough proof to issue a ban
I'm up to the latest update too and it's working for me, as long the ''Auto rebuy'' option is enabled it should work, sorry if I'm not too much of help but maybe someone more experienced can help out
I honestly don't know, or frankly care who you are.
You're in no position to tell me what to do or what not to do, a legendary player is someone who is known for their unique skills, I wouldn't consider abusing an steam feature being anywhere near that, wink wink.
If i come off too mean, It's...
Please remember to stay out of ban requests unless you've got some actual evidence of the mentioned player, post it here instead and there's no need to plug your channel.
The player has been banned for 1 day as It's his first ban on the server but the demos from both dataworm and hard shows...
That's understandable however it does still count as barricade breaking, always gonna be people that prefers to camp instead of hunting.
You havn't been banned for over a year, so try to keep it that way please, you've been unbanned for now and thanks for handling this like an adult, I'm sorry...
There was a ban request on a couple of players today that was destroying a certain roof on the map called azdue that causes the whole spot to become next to useless, you were one of them and you appeared in 2 demo's and one you did destroy it and the other one you tried to destroy it just as the...
All mentioned players have been banned for ruining their teammates spot, since this is one of the most used spots for the people that doesn't hunt on azdue I consider that to be quite naughty, and they have been punished.
Thanks for the report thread data!
Well, to keep it semi short: Doing it intentionally is indeed a act of teaming which is ofcourse against the rules, however it is hard to seek out and spot the player that does it, like this can happen to anyone, I do believe I speak for alot of players when I say that it happens accidently, and...
First off, this should be in the ''Abuse report'' where you can fill out a form and post it from there so it can be discussed there because this doesn't seem to be the right place to talk about this.
Another thing is that we need proof of what happenend, without that there's not much to go...
Hello spells, this is something that has been a thing on css ever since it came out, we all have been very aware of this as its usually what some players call ''katana'' or ''longsword''
Basically, they do have a bit of advantage ofcourse because of their lags, but you have to realize aswell...
I understand that and I hope you can understand that the evidence is not enough for someone who have not been reported nor been banned before, I'm not saying that I don't believe you. I'll keep an eye on him on the servers as said before, thanks again mate!
to be fully honest, the demo is super short and some players stand there because they're too nervous to try to make the jump and that spot overall on the sign is very stressful, seeing as the player you reported has no previous bans at all I'm not gonna issue a ban on him, however the mentioned...
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