Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: (*RMF*) Prinz_Porno Twitch.tv/LittleSnitch


Well-Known Member
16 Jul 2020
Name (*RMF*) Prinz_Porno Twitch.tv/LittleSnitch
SteamID Prinz Porno STEAM_0:1:10237662 and Twitch STEAM_0:0:73535902
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date Today

Report Reason
Teaming/Not following the game objective
Additional Information

Proof Demo


  • rulebreaker_2.dem
    9 MB · Views: 13
In my opinion for such a short duration of them teaming, since they're both in spawn and the CT can be easily killed by another zombie It would be easier to just issue a warning instead of banning them both.
They weren't really disburbing the gameplay or ruining the round for someone so I feel like a ban isn't needed for them.

They both will have eyes on them in the future while on our servers, incase they both take it further than this.