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  1. V

    G-G-G-G-German Spam Thread!

    nicht für mich, morgen habe ich noch Schule für 3 Stunden -.-
  2. V

    Map Roation (Vote) & Voteban- EH Zombie Hunting v2

    Just a suggestion, maybe you can adjust the number of maps played before being able to re-nominate the first map from 1 to 2 because a lot of the times, it just goes from cbble to 4way to palace and then people start re-nominating cbble (I know these are very popular maps but a little more...
  3. V

    rebuy weapons binds

    I think, we as hunters should be aware at all times that there can be afk-fakers, and not need to kill them from 10cm (even though I do that from time to time xD) The only situation in which I think re-buy would have ever been tactical would be when the last zombie is being raped in the...
  4. V

    Post your screens (scores) ZM

    w00t 2xnade !! btw I've realized that players get the best scores when there are not many players but not too few (so like 20-30)
  5. V

    Post your screens (scores) ZM

    nice scores and all but your lerp is (only) 15.0 ms, might want to change it to 100.0 ms.
  6. V

    ☜☠☞£ŁIT£☜☠☞ and ☜☠☞Hunter☜☠☞ | Hardcore teaming and rulebreaking

    yes just saw it now on sb, I guess case is closed :)
  7. V

    ☜☠☞£ŁIT£☜☠☞ and ☜☠☞Hunter☜☠☞ | Hardcore teaming and rulebreaking

    Sorry for posting here but I just want to say that I was playing on v4 as well and I can confirm that they were teaming for few rounds, including knifing each other to other cts. Unfortunately I didn't make a demo because either I was too lazy (?) or I couldn't constantly rejoin to go spec...
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    You can always demo while in spectate for the 3rd person parts (and then later fraps over the recorded demo or something similar), but it won't look nearly as smooth as if you use Source TV (which I believe EH don't have on their servers)
  9. V

    [application] chupa

    chupa :D good luck. btw who is now handling these applications? just curious as both phantyy and ash seem to be inactive
  10. V

    Post your screens (scores) ZM

    they all have lots of FPS *looks at my own screens for some reason*
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    the official spam thread

    Dress as your school principle/headmaster ? xD
  12. V

    Pictures of you

    haha twist + sway looks the funniest ^^ E: wtf I tabbed back and suddenly another Niko spawned !! lol?
  13. V


    Lawl, because it's perfectly normal to get up one minute after jumping-- uh being "hit" by a car...
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    the official spam thread

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the 17th of October? Why is thirty still banned?
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    the official spam thread

    ah, about time the spam-o-matic statistics get changed :P
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    the official spam thread

    huh? what did I miss?
  17. V

    the official spam thread

    indeed, and he broke 3 world records !! :)
  18. V

    Zombie escape server up!

    lol that's because you probably connected to a server from the community that can be seen on the MotD (=.Bad Network) before joining this one :D Happens to me with whatever server I connect to before connecting to EH, and also vice versa. Tho it only happens occasionally lol. E: I think it's a...
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    the official spam thread

    damn error occurred :*( hopefully won't happen during the freefall :)
  20. V

    the official spam thread For those who don't know, this guy 'Felix' is jumping from an altitude of ~35km. He's gonna break the previous world record that was made long time ago. And the best thing, I heard he's from Austria !! :D:D Watch for more info, apparently, this is an...