[application] chupa


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Ex Admin
8 Apr 2010
In-game name: Chupa

Age: 17 (soon 18)

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:44889131

Steam username: Chupa___

Can you speak english and german?: I can speak both. English better.

Clan history (if none, leave blank): b2h, DH.

Any serious bans before?: NO

Do you have a microphon? Yes !

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): Well, joining the clan would be fantastic! Elite Hunterz community, people, servers etc are the best.I always have fun playing in your servers and i'd like to have more fun joining the clan. i already know some of the members but i think that there are many others that are new to me. Knowing them would be also great. i'm really looking forward to joining the clan!

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: Niko in 2009 :D

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: My name is Damian, i live in Switzerland, i'm almost 18 years old and i've played the trumpet since 2004. I love hanging out with friends but i also love gaming. i have a brother (niko) and a sister. they are 19 and 11. I study languages at the high school of Lugano, i have a cat, and i'm going to start dancing popping (whoever doesn't know what popping dance is --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HkFK_wTss0 )
I think that's all.. :D i hope you enjoyed my apply :)
Cheers Chupa.
good luck ! :)
They younger one finally applies.

I shall be the judge of your fate.

Good luck on your application! ;)

SPA Ash.
They younger one finally applies.

I shall be the judge of your fate.

Good luck on your application! ;)

SPA Ash.
Haha yea :) thx mate
chupa :D good luck.

btw who is now handling these applications? just curious as both phantyy and ash seem to be inactive
chupa :D good luck.

btw who is now handling these applications? just curious as both phantyy and ash seem to be inactive

yo thx :D im in the same doubt as you... it has been now 4 weeks and no answer but anyway :)
I am handling the applications, sorry but declined due to being Niko's brother.

I kid I kid.
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