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  1. Koboldmaki

    Happy Birthday my boy blue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡;°)

    I just wanted to let everyone know that it's Blue's birthday today ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Love you buddeh ( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)
  2. Koboldmaki

    Happy Birthday Tech-Dude!!

    Happy Birthday Advaldo, thank you for everything u have done and will do for the community (i hope !) enjoy your day, i will aswell ! Peace and Luv, Kobi !
  3. Koboldmaki

    Happy Birthday, Niko!

    Happy Birthday, Mr.Niko !! Have a nice day & enjoy the time with ur family (if u can).. In Love, Kobi
  4. Koboldmaki


    Yo Coco, it's still possible for ct's to get on trees ;) Feel free to discuss my suggestions or post ur own ! ;)
  5. Koboldmaki

    omfg, eh is gettin old !!

    happy birthday 38 !!!! congrats on becoming 18.. lots of presents for u ! :) :) love you :-*
  6. Koboldmaki


    I'd like to wish our most inactive and retarded member/spa aka AsH a really nice day and lots of presents ! :D Congrats on becoming a man ! atleast in germany u'd be a real man naow !
  7. Koboldmaki

    [unban] hey guys 6 months is long enough now

    Moin Moin Ja, geht klar. wenn du mir deine SteamID schicken könntest, bist du innerhalb von sekunden entbannt. Phanty ist eh inaktiv, scheiß auf ihn! :D :D :D. Ne Spaß, ähm 6 Monate reichen wirklich, bin froh, dass du dich dazu entschieden hast, wieder bei uns zu spielen.. MfG Kobi
  8. Koboldmaki

    Application L1nu5

    In-game name: L1nu5 Age: 15 Steam username: linus64045 Can you speak english and german?: I speak german and english, but my english is not soo good Clan history (if none, leave blank):/ Any serious bans before?: No Do you have a microphone? Yes Why do you desire becoming part of the...
  9. Koboldmaki

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANIAC !!!!eleventhousand111